1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... And I don't really know Japanese. I just use that to help me focus. The portal is one of my harder spells, and it helps to use things in a symbolic way." Hermione recognized the beginning of an intellectual discussion, and focused intently on Harry. "Right. Well, the chalk helps me visualize where I want the portal itself to be, and drawing the line down the middle helps with actually opening it. Also, it has a practical use, since it seems to be hard to make a portal on something that is hard to write on. Cement is the easiest, dirt is very hard, and glass and water I have never gotten to work. "Writing the Japanese character means that I don't have to think as intensely about where the portal goes, since in my mind, any portal that uses the tree symbol comes here." "That makes sense, I guess." "Magic is really just wishing—no, believing that something is true, and letting it happen." Harry thought back for a moment and decided where to begin. He sighed. "I really hope I don't lose my new friend over this." Hermione heard him sigh. "What's wrong?" "Hermione, you're just too annoying for me to teach." Harry watched as Hermione took it like a physical blow. "You're a know-it-all." Flinch. "You're bossy." Flinch. "And you have big gerbil teeth." Snap. "HOW DARE YOU!" Hermione screamed. Her face was red with anger as tears streamed down her cheeks. Harry felt her magic building up. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT! YOU'RE SMART, YOU'RE FUNNY, AND YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT ...
    ... MY—MY STUPID, BIG TEETH!" "Great, now hold onto that feeling and use it to make some light. I know you can do it, you're magic's very strong right now," Harry said as he turned off his light spell. Hermione did not choose to use a harmless light spell. She decided to cast a spell that would bother Harry. And she did this while her magic was uncontrolled and filled with anger. Harry was knocked to the ground and everything went dark for him. Chapter 3: Apologizing When Harry woke up, he could hear someone sobbing nearby. He wondered where he was, and what was happening. "Ugghhh..." He sat up and looked around, and remembered why he was unconscious on the floor with a crying girl in his tree. "Hermione? I'm sorry I said those things. I didn't mean them, you know. I had to get you mad so that your magic would come up. It only works if you're upset at first. I didn't want to hurt you. Really." Hermione stopped crying for a second and Harry waited for her to turn around and see how sorry he was. "I can't leave," Hermione said. She didn't look at Harry. "You don't have a door." "Please don't leave. Please, Hermione. I really am sorry." He begged her with his eyes to forgive him, but she wouldn't look in his direction. "Hermione?" "I don't care. I want to go home. I hate you." Harry flinched. "Please, Herm—" "No. Just take me home," she interrupted. "Okay. I'll take you home." Harry gave up. He would try to talk to her again in class tomorrow. "Where do you live?" "At the corner of Ash ...