1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... I know my place isn't much—", "Not Much?" Hermione interrupted. "...But I call it home and it's better than living in...with my relatives," Harry finished. He opened his coke and sat down. "Plus my friends are here." "Harry. This is the most amazing place I have ever been in. It's incredible! I feel like I'm in a whole new world!" "You are," Harry replied, smiling. "Welcome to the world of magic." "You said other people live here?" Hermione looked around, expecting to see a door to another room or a set of stairs. "Well...not people, exactly. You met Hedwig, my owl, earlier. And that's Nathair trying to scare you." Harry pointed above and behind her head, which immediately snapped around to follow Harry's gaze. "Eeeeep!" Hermione let out a very girlish scream. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you. That's just his weird sense of humor. He's been begging me to bring someone here for months just so he could do that." Harry glared at him playfully, and he stopped terrorizing Hermione and went back into the vines on the ceiling. "There is nothing here that will hurt you as long as you don't try and hurt me. The animals, and even the tree itself, are all very protective of me," he said, proudly. "So—so you made all of this with your magic?" She was still looking around in wonder, now also making sure there weren't any other things trying to play with her. "Some of it," Harry started. He, too, looked around in wonder, remembering how it was in the beginning. "It was originally just a ...
    ... spot where nobody could see me with a couple of branches that made a nice seat. But then, as I practiced my magic, I think the tree absorbed some of it. Back in those days, I really didn't know how to control the flow of my magic, and I think the part that wasn't used in my spell got sent into the environment, which is what I think allows the tree to grow me some furniture. It was so excited to hear that we would be having company that it grew that chair a few hours ago, just for you." He pointed at the chair that Hermione was sitting on. "The animals and bugs all like me because I make food for them. Except the spiders. They all left right after I started really getting into my magic." Hermione relaxed a bit after hearing that. "And the flowers and things started growing a few weeks ago as a birthday present from the tree." "The tree gave you a birthday present?" Hermione asked, unbelievingly. "Yep," Harry smiled. "But you think that a tree can't give people presents, don't you?" "Well, it is just a tree after all," reasoned Hermione. "And that's just a chair you're sitting on. And my friends are just animals. Your first lesson is this: With magic, nothing is what it seems. The only limit is what you can believe in." At the mention of learning, Hermione snapped out of her wonder and looked at him. "Right. Magic. So, I'm guessing that instead of a wand, you have a piece of chalk? That's unusual. And will I have to learn Japanese?" "No, the chalk is just for when I make portals. ...