1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... "Well, why would they do that? They must not be very good relatives," she said, thinking he was having her on. "No. They're not." He looked her directly in the eyes and muttered, leaving no question in Hermione's mind as to how his relationship with them was. He turned back, drew a small symbol on the bottom of the wall and raised the chalk to draw a large oval from ground level to as high as he could reach. "So instead, you took me to the park to play with chalk. Is that Chinese?" She pointed at the symbol. "Well, technically, it's Japanese but in this case there's no difference whatsoever." "What does it say?" she asked, unable to resist knowing something she didn't a second ago. "Ki. It means 'Tree,'" he said, and drew a line from the top to the bottom in the center of the oval. As he drew the line, it opened a hole in the wall as if he were zipping down a sweater. Harry put the chalk in his pocket and walked through the hole as if he did it every day (which he did). "Come on in." "What is it? Is it safe?" she asked, looking at the glowing hole in space with suspicion. "It's a portal, and it's probably safe. You're the only human besides me who's ever seen one, as far as I know." This did not assuage Hermione's fears. She slowly put one foot in, and tested it like the other side of the hole was a shoddy bridge. Deciding it was going to hold her weight, she stepped through. Harry gave the wall on his side a kick, and the portal closed. "Can I get you something to eat or ...
    ... drink?" Harry asked as Hermione looked around. Wherever Harry had taken her, it was beautiful. "Er...I'll have some of whatever you're having," Hermione said as she looked around. They were standing in what appeared to be a tree house. A warm-feeling light came out of nowhere and lit the place up, even though it was overcast outside. The furniture appeared to be growing straight out of the tree itself and into the usual shapes: A table, a few chairs, and a bed of leaves, moss, and grass that looked softer than any mattress. For a tree house, there was an incredible amount of space in all directions, definitely bigger than a small studio flat. The walls were made of vines and small, twisting branches, and were covered in exotic plants and flowers that could not possibly be native to England, and seemed more fitting in a rain forest. Insects and small animals made themselves at home, but none of them looked at all afraid of Harry, and very few reacted to his presence. A snowy white owl hooted at Hermione in what she assumed was a greeting. "H—Hello," she said uncertainly to the owl, who winked once at her and closed its eyes. Any doubt Hermione had left that Harry Potter was an ordinary person went out the window, which was moving around the ivy walls in a seemingly random manner, showing her the park that they just left. Harry looked at the table and two glass bottles of coke appeared, along with a plate of brightly-colored sweet things that no child would dislike. "Here you go. ...