1. Harry Potter NR.0

    Date: 9/15/2015, Categories: Fiction Fan fiction, Author: zimbi, Source: sexstories.com

    ... offering her more than what he was saying, but she reached in to take one. And kept reaching. She never touched the other end of the bag, and her arm was at least a foot in. "Okay, take it out, before somebody sees." She took her hand out and looked at it in wonder, before realizing that there was a cookie in her fist that she did not remember picking up. As she ate it, she couldn't help but think, "This is going to be fun." x x x "Mum?" "Yes, dear?" Hermione's mother put down the box that she was unpacking when she heard the nervousness in her voice that meant she was going to have to answer a tough question for her daughter. She hoped she didn't have to give her The Talk already. "Well, I met this boy at school today..." she trailed of and looked away. Emma Granger sighed. She sat down and got ready for a long conversation. "And?" "And he said I'm a witch!" she shouted out as fast as she could, looking at her mother's reaction. There was a mixture of relief and amusement. "Well, boys that age tend to say silly things sometimes. I'm sure he didn't mean it, dear." "No, he definitely did!" Hermione didn't seem to be upset about this at all. In fact she seemed to be happy. "And he said you might be one, too! Are you a witch, Mum?" Emma thought Hermione might have taken an insult for a compliment, but she was smarter than that. Maybe she was starting to like boys, after all. She remembered how they could make a girl do stupid things into her twenties in some cases. Like the ...
    ... time Dan made her lick that icy flagpole. She couldn't taste anything for days after that. Then again, her little Hermione was brilliant. "Er...you mean like an actual, cauldron and broomsticks witch?" "Exactly!" Hermione nodded happily. "Well? Are you?" "N—No, Hermione. There's no such thing. Well, there are some religions with witchcraft, but that's closer to a different type of prayer than it is to waving a wand and seeing sparks." "Oh. Well, there's no helping that, I suppose." Hermione walked away and went up the stairs. "Daddy? Are you a sorcerer?" Emma felt like she was missing out on something. x x x Hermione went to the park that afternoon like Harry told her. She was the only one in the park, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. As she sat on a bench, her doubt kicked in again, and she wondered if maybe he was just messing with her after all. He probably expected her to be out here all night, sitting all alone until she— "Hey," Harry said, and Hermione jumped. "Don't do that!" she screamed, and Harry laughed. "Well, you were expecting me, weren't you? Now come on, I'll take you to my place." Harry started to walk away. "Wait. You mean you had me meet you here in the middle of nowhere just so we could go somewhere else? You could have just given me your address, you know." Hermione crossed her arms and huffed. "It wouldn't do you too good. My relatives would have told you that they've never heard of me before." Harry led her up to a wall and took out a piece of chalk. ...