1. A Journal of a Woman's Path to Sexual Bliss - Chapter 4

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: 1nympholes, Source: LushStories

    ... sex so much. It was a very short period before Tim's body stiffened and he released a large load into my demanding cunt. I was sure that he had not had sex with a girl for a long time and likely this was his first time. I believe then that all humans can be good partners and that I now know with certainty that to be true. As long as they both can communicate, have patience and are willing to practice and practice and oh you know. Oh wait, maybe practicing is overrated. It just is the willingness to fuck. Tim climbed off the bed and while dressing, thanked me over and again. As I dressed and tried to make myself look as best I could, I kept thinking that Tim and I had a lot of work to do together that is if he was interested. I would love to be his sex teacher and show him the finer points of making love. Of course, he could have a girlfriend that came before all others. When I went down to the living room again, Sam was near the bottom of the stairs and came over to tell me how great that had been. Then he whispered, " Next time I am going to do your virgin ass." I know I looked surprised because that is not something I had done before. In just seconds, JD was at my side and told me there were too many drunks and too many kids high on marijuana. Let's get out of here and go someplace we can enjoy ourselves. I agreed. There is nothing that liquor or too much pot can do to make a man perform better. He is best when he is sober. "Whitney, this is Sergio, an exchange student ...
    ... from Milano, and he is going to join us. I told him I did not think you would mind." JD knew I would not mind but darned, he could have asked me in private! We got into the Surf Wagon which has a bench seat. I was in the middle with a guy on either side. We headed down Cabrillo Blvd along East Beach. JD said " How about Arroyo Burro Park? We both agreed immediately. Arroyo Burro Park is a favorite fuck beach for the teen set, but none of the guys had taken me there before. Just as we made a right turn onto State Street, I told the fellows how hot I was and unbuttoned my dress, pulling it to the side, kicking off my shoes. I then spread my legs and put both my feet on the dash. I was pretty sure it would drive them crazy. Plus, State Street was then a favorite cruising place of young people and you never could tell who would drive by and see me naked in JD's lowered Surf Wagon. Well, as we drove along State Street, lots of vehicles passed us but I saw no one we knew, or at least no one I knew. There were a number of old men in pickups who got a good look, and one drove right along side of us for several blocks. What a view he must have been getting of a young slut, nude and with her legs spread open. That was most likely the first time I realized just what an exhibitionist I was and still am today. Soon we had driven to a less traveled part of the main street in town and I was hornier than I could ever have imagined especially after already having fucked two guys that night. It ...