1. A Journal of a Woman's Path to Sexual Bliss - Chapter 4

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: 1nympholes, Source: LushStories

    ... he was not a one-time wonder. Finally, I could feel him stiffen, and he was just about to the point that he could fulfill my immediate needs. I jumped out of bed, and I'm sure he thought I was about to leave, but I needed something maybe more than he did. I did not realize it then, but most of my life I would need it more than the men joining me. I moved across the room and found the light switch to the overhead light. I didn't want to fuck in the dark. As soon as the light was on, I noticed that the door was standing about half open. However, it did not seem important at the time and left it like that. I returned to Sam laying on his back and straddled his body to put myself in a position to have his hard cock penetrate me. As soon as I was sure he was securely in my vagina, I placed a foot on each side of his chest. I then leaned back placing the palm of each hand on his muscular thighs. I raised my body using both my arms and legs allowing me to withdraw his hard penis to the very mouth of my cunt, then lowering myself ever so slowly until he was completely buried inside me again. I was in control and that's the way I like it. Better yet, I was giving Sam the full view of how this girl fucked. He was to have little doubt that I was much better than any other girl he had been doing and much more willing also. Again and again I let his cock slide in and out of me, how many times I am not sure. I love to fuck long and slow and savor the experience working toward a mutual ...
    ... climax. When the event finalized, I turned and looked at the door as I was sure I had heard someone there before I clasped onto Sam's body, and he gushed his cum inside me. Maybe someone had seen us, and that was fine with me. Once our body temperature lowered and we began breathing near normal, Sam turned to me and said, "Whitney, you know Tim, don't you?" "Of course, we have been in school together for years. Why?" Sam stammered a bit and then blurted out, "Tim says he has an out of town girlfriend, and he says they do it all the time. However, I am not so sure that is true. Whitney, would you consider doing him tonight?" "Really? Are you serious? Maybe it would be fun, but will you still be here? You know, I have always liked Tim. Send him up and we will find out if he is the real deal." It didn't take but a minute for Tim to arrive. As soon as Tim entered the room he was out of his clothes and between my legs trying to find the opening along my creamed slit. He needed my assistance, so maybe Tim wasn't so experienced after all. He proceeded to pound my sex like he was a man possessed. While not particularly skilled, none the less I loved the feeling of his cock in me. From this woman's perspective there is no bad sex, just some joinings are much better than others. Maybe it is the fact that it does not take a lot of stimulation to get me into an orgasmic cycle. Once started, I tend to stay in or near some level of orgasm for extended periods. It is one of the reasons I love ...