1. A Journal of a Woman's Path to Sexual Bliss - Chapter 4

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: 1nympholes, Source: LushStories

    ... could. I was always amazed that so few people had noticed me completely naked at the beach before. I suppose when everyone is nude at the beach, one girl looks pretty much the same as another. Sam unbuttoned more of my front and said, "God, Whitney, I had heard you had great boobs, but they are just plain beautiful." He took me by the hand, and we headed for the stairs. By this time my dress was dangerously open and everyone nearby could view what they viewed. It did not matter. I could care less. These people never liked me nor could they be called friends. As we walked down the hall, Sam checked each room until he found just the right one. When we settled in the right room, we fell into the middle of the bed as a pile of body parts. Sam had me naked in less than a minute which I adored. Laying naked next to him and knowing I was going to be fucking him raised my libido to twelve on a ten point scale. I had his shirt off as we kissed, and how he could kiss. I slipped my hand down his abdomen and under the waist band of both his pants and underwear. Oh my God, I had a hand full of the biggest piece of male desire that I had ever touched. Sam will always have a large cock in my memory, but as the years past, I learned that while he was large, he was not exceptionally so. He bridged himself and pulled his pants down and kicked them off the bed and onto the floor bed. I said, "Sam, you have such a beautiful cock. I have to suck it and then suck it some more. Is that okay?" "Oh, ...
    ... baby, you can suck it until the sun rises if you like," he said gruffly. I thought he had just given me the key to the golden tea pot. I sucked more and more of his cock into my mouth and to the very back of my throat. I had learned at the beach house that I loved sucking cock and appreciate the glory of a man's meat. Still, I was still young and relatively inexperienced so I stroked and sucked the best I could at that age. I knew he was nearing that point of relief. I inquired, "Sam, do you want me to continue or do you want to cum in my overheated pussy?" "Whitney, keep sucking. I had heard what a wild fuck you are, but no one told me how great you could suck cock." I went back to sucking and stroking and lightly massaging his massive balls. I will always wonder if a man likes his cock sucked as well as a girl like me loves doing it. In just a few more minutes, I could tell from Sam's moans and the rate of his breathing that he was getting so very close. In just seconds, he released a large load of male joy sauce into my hungry mouth. It was warm thick and sweet, and I loved every drop of his gift. I continued to suck Sam until I had extracted every bit of what he had available at this moment. We lay together and kissed and explored each other bodies. I loved the way Sam caressed my nipples. There were times I think I could have and orgasm just from nipple stimulation, and this was one of them. I had been working on his soft organ constantly for the last few minutes hoping ...