1. A Journal of a Woman's Path to Sexual Bliss - Chapter 4

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: 1nympholes, Source: LushStories

    ... enjoyed my time with JD, and we arrived at the party about 9:00 or so. The booze was flowing, beer mostly, and the smell of marijuana was everywhere. We were greeted at the door by Kelli, but through her smile you could read, "What is this bitch doing at my party?" JD and I found a place to have a seat on the sofa and as soon as I was seated, he offered to get me a beer or another drink if I preferred. I told JD that soda and lime would be fine, or Coke would be okay.” Strange, after all these years, soda and lime is still my drink of preference when I am out looking for an evening of sex. Sitting on the sofa with most of my long bare legs showing, the effect was doing just what I had intended. Guys were watching me and those that were not, surely had a buddy that would point me out. Being watched by guys from school and other schools was a new and enticing experience. I totally enjoyed the new attention I was getting. Of course, all the 'A' group from school were there but there were guys and gals I did not know at all. I am sure they were from other nearby cities and schools. Sam, the guy that stopped me a few days ago to ask if I was going to Kelli's party came over to me and put out both hands. He said, "Whitney, would you like to dance?" As a key nerd I had danced very little. "Certainly, Sam. I would love to even if I am not the world's best dancer." We moved to the patio just as the music changed from rock to some cool jazz, perfect for the only kind of dance I knew ...
    ... how to do. JD and I had agreed that we were free to move around the group, and wherever it led us, that's where we would end up. I loved the freedom and chance to experiment with my new found sexuality. Sam and I seemed to blend well. He pulled my body firmly to his causing my breasts to press into his chest. He slipped his hands around my waist and, at just about the same time, I wrapped my arms around his neck. He said, "Whitney, we were made to dance together." There is some doubt that I responded. All I could feel was the call of his erection begging us to be joined. I leaned into him and kissed him passionately on the mouth. Sam responded as if we had done this for weeks and weeks. I thought for of his girlfriend who lives about an hour away but was sure she wasn't at the party. Sam's hand slipped from my waist to take a groping control of my firm ass. I did not resist; in fact, I love a man to squeeze my butt. I did not come here to dance and drink. I came here to fuck, and if Sam was not going to make a move, I certainly needed to. I whispered into Sam's ear, "Sam, I am so horny. Take me somewhere and fuck me or fuck me right here on the patio." "Oh yes, I thought you would never suggest it," he said with a frog in his throat. "I had heard you were not the same Whitney we all remember from fifth grade." Sam dropped his hands from my ass and reached into the top of my dress and found one of my tits and nearly pulled it out of my dress. Anyone who wanted to see my bareness ...