1. A Journal of a Woman's Path to Sexual Bliss - Chapter 4

    Date: 9/14/2015, Categories: Group Sex Author: 1nympholes, Source: LushStories

    In earlier chapters, I told you about my experience at the beach house with an older guy, older in the way of him being in his mid to late twenties. Since I was going to be a junior in high school and not yet seventeen, mid-twenties seemed ancient to me. I also told you about taking the virginity of a boy that was my best friend from my grade school days. That experience leads me to JD, who was also a good friend of many years. But the sex with him was better than good. Keep in mind that I was in the nerd group in high school and a long ways from the 'A' group. I am not even sure if letters are assigned to the group I belonged to. I would be something after 'Z'. JD invited me to be his date to Kelli's party a few days later. She was the Queen Bee of the 'A' group, and I figured she would just about pass out when she saw me walk in the door of her parents home which was a stately mansion. The word was out among my classmates that Whitney was willing and available. Since I had grown up in a beach town, not a large city, it is easy to see how the word would travel quickly. The thing is, I had planned and needed the word to get around. Guys were cornering me at school to chat me up and to offer me a ride home from school. Some even found their way to the Guest House with me after school. Never before in my life had so many guys been so interested in me. I was in heaven! I went shopping at my favorite store in town one afternoon, followed by another, then another. I was ...
    ... shopping for Kelli's party. Finally, I found a cashmere button-front dress that was softer than soft and powder blue in color. My boobs were not the largest in school but not the smallest by a long way and still growing. My nipples were more than fat and pointy, so they bore into the soft material. My legs are very long, and if I released a few buttons from the hem of the skirt, they would be shown to all. I hoped this would draw attention to my ass. My tush is okay in a thong bikini, but that is not the first thing that guys notice when I am at the beach that requires a bathing suit. A friend that is a couple of years older than I am worked in the dress shop, so I pulled her aside to ask her opinion. I whispered in here ear, “Will this dress get me fucked Saturday night if I wear it and proper shoes?” Allison told me, “Look behind you.” When I did, there was a man and a woman there. It appeared to us that he could not take his eyes off of me. Allison said, “If you do not get out of here he is going to cum right in his shorts in the very middle of the shop.” The dress seemed to be doing exactly what was planned. JD told me we could go to dinner before the party and make it like a real date. The few dates I had been on before had been arranged by family and friends. There was a couple of dates for special events like the Junior Prom and the Christmas Ball, but that was about all before I turned seventeen. So we went to a nice little Italian restaurant and shared a pizza and Coke. I ...