1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... instant. That voice... calling her name... The doubt and fear just dissolved as she perked up, pressing her fingers against the grate. &#034NOEY! I'M HERE!&#034 The redhead didn't even care that the sharp grates was cutting into her fingers, as she suddenly felt like everything was going to be all right. &#034PLEASE NOELE! I'M DOWN HERE! HEL-&#034 The suddenly spry young woman was sent falling backwards as a pair of heavy boots pressed down on the narrow grates, nearly crushing Cat's fingers if she'd been a quarter of a second slower. &#034You keep that up and she'll find you alright...&#034 the raspy voice said, and Cat was afraid to look up and see that disgusting stolen face the killer was wearing. &#034Do you think your girlfriend would die for you?&#034 &#034Noelle would do anything for me, and I would do anything for her! Because we love each other!&#034 the redhead said defiantly, despite still physically cowering. &#034Not that you would know what that's like...&#034 &#034I know all about love, little girl,&#034 the Slasher said, sliding the knife along the grate toward Cat's face. &#034And I know that it's a pretty strong feeling... makes you do some pretty awful things... some of which I'm going to do to who and what you love...&#034 Cat wanted to be strong, and to fight back, but she felt weak. From the cage, there was nothing she could do but whimper. Until finally she knew she had to do something to warn Noelle, and cried out. &#034DON'T COME! IT'S A TRAP!&#034 ...
    ... The Slasher shoved the knife through the grate, and the nimble and sweet young woman slid, and laid down flat, the blade missing her face and chest by mere centimetres. Grunting ferociously, the masked killer stomped off away to handle this 'rescue' attempt head on. * * * &#034I ask again...&#034 Noelle said, still staring down the sides of hills, searching for any sign of Cat, &#034how did he get away from us like this?&#034 &#034Well, we knew he knew the tunnels way better than we did...&#034 Freddie said, approaching the rushing river a hundred feet away. The daybreak light made for a beautiful scene, that was hard to deny even in the midst of all of this horror. &#034The plan was a crap shoot at best anyway.&#034 &#034So you based saving Cat on a guess?!&#034 Noelle said, getting in his face. &#034Did you have a better idea?&#034 he asked, not trying to intimidate her, but to offer her a real answer that might calm her down. &#034At the time, no, but-&#034 The dark haired girl stopped short as something rang in her ears, and much like her girlfriend, that small moment was all it took to focus in on the sound. &#034Cat?!&#034 &#034Did you hear something?&#034 Carly asked, looking between Freddie and Noelle, and trying to listen close for any version of a sound. &#034I don't-&#034 &#034Shut up!&#034 Noelle said, narrowing her eyes at the former web star. Slowly, Noelle took a few steps toward where she thought the sound came from, approaching a hill, cautiously, keeping her ...