1. ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... tugged. As Jade felt a sharp grab on her ankle to pull her back down, she apparently sucked in just enough to get pulled through, leaving only her ass to try and fit. Another grab on her ankle, caused her to kick and scream, as they pulled. Jade could only pray for a miracle. BLAM! Jade's prayers had been answered with a gunshot, causing the killer to let go of her ankle and head towards the sound. The last thing Jade heard before she slipped from the window was Nate's muffled voice shouting &#034We ain't done yet!&#034 followed by horrible screaming The girls ran from the bar, as fast as they could, no idea on the direction for quite some time, their flashlights focused on the ground for any possible traps, and Tori suddenly stops and begins to shake. &#034What's wrong?&#034 Jade asks, wide eyed. &#034I left the gun back at the bar.&#034 &#034Well, maybe that was the gun that just saved my life...&#034 the Goth said, trying not to think about what happened to Nate. &#034But we don't need to worry right now. We just need to get somewhere safe.&#034 &#034But how will we protect ourselves if he comes after us?!&#034 Cat shouted, starting to get riled up again. &#034I think I know a place we can go where we won't need to...&#034 Jade said, taking charge. &#034I think it’s the one place that might have the answers, and hopefully weapons we need- The sheriff's house.&#034 * * * &#034So, this is the place, right?&#034 Sam looked a few paces back at Noelle still lagging, and ...
    ... unfortunately, still fuming, hoping that the long journey might finally be at the end. &#034Yes. The rental spot I went to is just over there,&#034 the raven haired girl said, pointing just beyond some trees, a clear excitement renewing her energy. &#034I can't wait to see it honestly. I thought it would be the perfect place to just relax and maybe even step up and propose. I spent some pretty decent money on-&#034 &#034Noelle...&#034 Sam said, her voice carrying a dread that could practically be a ship anchor. &#034What is it?&#034 &#034The marina here... there aren't any boats.&#034 &#034What?&#034 Noelle said, racing to the blonde's side in utter disbelief. &#034I mean,&#034 Sam said, trying not to let this feel like a failure. &#034We knew it was a longshot. Some jackass probably just took off with it when every-one left.&#034 &#034No...&#034 the pale girl said softly. &#034This... this is all my fault. I was too slow.&#034 &#034You know, Noelle,&#034 Sam said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. &#034I'm getting so sick of you constantly blaming yourself for the dumbest shit. None of this was your fault. People were scared and bolted from the island, and someone probably took it.&#034 &#034Yeah... but I could have at least saved a few people.&#034 &#034How so?&#034 &#034The boat... when Beck, Cat, Tori, and myself all snuck out. I...&#034 Noelle was clearly struggling for her words. &#034I stopped them. I made them feel like monsters for not staying to look for that little ...