1. My aunt

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: Thaumaturge, Source: xHamster

    ... sitting with her legs open and I saw that she wasn’t wearing panties. I was getting a good view of her hairy pussy and my cock was getting harder and harder. After a few minutes she was slowly leaning further and further over until she was laying down, legs open and her shirt up around her hips. I eased my cock out of my shorts and started slowly stroking it. “Jean” had been out for about 10 minutes when she suddenly sat up and said, “I gotta get to the bathroom….QUICK!!”, I was trying to get my cock back in my shorts as I jumped to help her up and she leaned against me as we fast-walked down the hall to my bathroom since was right there. We barely made it. She pushed in front of me and as she was bending over getting sick her ass was rubbing my cock. When she had finished, I wet a washcloth so she could wipe her face. She just stood there, her ass against my cock, slowly wiping her face until she said, “OK….help me to bed.” I moved back and she leaned on me again as we went down the hall to her bedroom. I walked her to her side of the bed and she collapsed. I managed to get her on the bed with her head on a pillow and rolled her onto her side just in case she got sick again. I was leaning over trying to get the light blanket out from under her and I realized my cock was against her ass again. “Jean” had passed out as soon as she hit the bed and I was fighting a losing battle trying to get the blanket and every time I pulled the blanket, it caused her to roll back against my ...
    ... cock. I lifted her shirt and eased my shorts down with the intention of just jerking off on her ass. I rubbed my cock on her ass then touched her pussy with the head. Her pussy was hot and damp and I knew I wasn’t going to last too long. I was just starting to feel my balls give me that familiar tingle when “Jean” says “Stop teasing me….push it in.” I stopped dead cold…..my body refused to do anything……I couldn’t breathe….I couldn’t move….I was paralyzed. In my mind I could see myself getting kicked out……after my uncle kicked my ass. Then “Jean” pulled her knees closer to her chest and said, “Come on, ******* {she said my uncle’s name}, stop teasing me.” I looked at her face and she was in another time zone. I called her name, shook her and used the EMT trick but she was out. Apparently my uncle would fuck her after she had been drinking. I spotted a bottle of lube on her night table and put some on my cock. I eased the head of cock into her pussy and slowly pushed into her waiting for the moment she realized what was happening. I got all the way in and was pulling back when she started to wake up. I pulled out quick and with one hand shoved my cock back into my shorts and with the other acted like I was still trying to get the blanket. She rolled over and said, “Bathroom!” I pulled her to her feet and managed to get her there just in time. When she finished she asked me to help her back to bed. She leaned heavily on me and as we got to the bed she started to fall. I tried to ...