1. My aunt

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: Thaumaturge, Source: xHamster

    ... look at the panties I had taken I just stuffed them in my pocket and hurried out of her room to mine. I took the panties out of my pocket and stuffed them under the matress to use later. I realized I really had to pee so after taking care of that I went back outside. My uncle had just pulled up and said the store didn't have the part we needed to finish the door so we called it a day. We all went in and got cleaned up and he took us out to dinner. &#034Jean&#034 had wore a pair of jeans that looked painted on her plump ass and the blouse she was wearing showed a lot of cleavage. When we got home later that evening I jerked off 3 times into the pair of blue nylon panties I had taken from &#034Jean's&#034 dresser drawer. &#034Jean&#034 had to drive my uncle to Louisiana the following Monday for his 21 days and I had a feeling I was going to loose a lot of body fluid the next 3 weeks using &#034Jean's&#034 panties. Wednesday rolled around and after doing a bit of yard work I was sitting on the back porch sipping a beer when I hear &#034Jean's&#034 car pull into the driveway. She worked part-time at a florist that a friend of her's owned and was getting home from work. She came out onto the porch and said, &#034The girls and I [her co-workers--there were 4 women that worked there and all were sexy as fuck. They ranged in age from the owner in her early 50's but she looked 30-ish, to her niece who was in her late 20's.] are going out to eat tonight then going to have a few drinks. ...
    ... Do you need me to fix you anything for supper?&#034 I told her no, that there was plenty of left-overs and stuff that needed to be eaten so I was OK. She went in and headed to her bedroom. I finished my beer and went in to shower and then crash in front of the TV for the evening. As I came in I heard the water in her bathroom shut off. I thought to myself, I wish I could see what she looked like naked as I walked down the hall. Their bedroom was across the hall from mine and as I went into mine I noticed that &#034Jean&#034 hadn't closed the door tight and it was open a crack. I stood there in the hall and saw her when she came out of their bathroom. I saw her naked body for the first tiime. Like I said, she wasn't fat but thick. She hadn't had any k**s so there were no stretch marks on her stomach, ass or thighs, her skin was smooth and still damp from her shower. I stood there watching as she finished drying off, her tits swinging and swaying, her ass barely moving. She turned and I moved back but not before seeing that she had a thick dark bush between her legs. My cock was so hard it hurt and I went into my room and took out her panties and jerked off into them. I had just finished changing clothes when &#034Jean&#034 knocked on my door saying that she was leaving and would be home later. I knew that ” later” could be any time between 2 hours to 2AM when the bar closed. She left and I grabbed a bite to eat and kicked back on the couch and watched TV. I fell asl**p around ...