1. My aunt

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: Thaumaturge, Source: xHamster

    ... pull out and when I did I shot my cum on her pussy and ass. I panicked, worried what to do, so I jumped up, went to my bathroom and grabbed the washcloth I had used earlier to wipe off with. I turned on the hot water and seemed to take forever heating up and wet the cloth. I wrung it out until it was barely wet and went back to the living room. I was afraid that when I got back &#034Jean&#034 would be awake and ready to kill me for cumming on her......Hell.....for doing what I had done period. She was still out cold when I got back and I gently wiped my cum off her pussy and ass. I pulled her skirt down best I could and covered her up. I went to my room and jerked off 2 more times thinking about what I had down and then fell asl**p. I woke up about 7 and went to the kitchen to make coffee, knowing that &#034Jean&#034 would be needing some. I saw that sometime after I went to bed &#034Jean&#034 had gotten up and went to her room because the couch was empty, but the blanket and pillow were still there. &#034Jean&#034 and my uncle had a Bunn coffee maker....you know....one of those that makes a pot of coffee in 2 or 3 minutes? Well, the coffee had just finished brewing when &#034Jean&#034 came into the kitchen. She had showered because instead of stale smoke and alcohol she now smelled like her bodywash and her hair was still damp. As I handed her a cup of coffee she asked, &#034How did I get home? I don't remember coming in.&#034 I told her how ******** had drove her home and ...
    ... I covered her up when she passed out on the couch. &#034I didn't give you any trouble, did I?&#034 she asked. I told her, &#034Not a bit. In fact I tried to wake you a few times, but you were out. So I got the blanket off your bed and covered you up. I figured once you slept enough you'd get up.&#034 She was wearing one of her long night shirts that came to mid-thigh and the neckline was loose enough I could see her tits swinging free underneath, but not enough to see nipple. She sat down at the table and I asked if she wanted anything to eat and after giving me a queasy look said no. I poured us more coffee and as I turned to go to the couch to watch TV I could see up &#034Jean's&#034 nightshirt. She was still sitting at the table, her head in her hands. Her thighs were just far enough apart I could just see her pubes peeking out from under. She finished her coffee, put the cup in the sink and said as she walked past me headed down the hall to her bedroom, &#034We'll go get my car later on......I'm going back to bed.&#034 The rest of the 21 days my uncle was gone was passing by and I didn't do anything else with my aunt except lust after her, steal her panties to jerk off into and try to peep at her as often as I could. Sometimes I would go outside after she said she was going to bed and go to their bedroom window to see if I could see anything. Most times I couldn't because the curtains would be closed. Once and a while I would be rewarded with a quick glimpse of her as she ...