1. My aunt

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: Thaumaturge, Source: xHamster

    When I was a teen I moved out of my parent's home because if issues with my father. No......not anything sexual, let me say it this way, if I had stayed, I would probably still be in jail. My father was abusive and I couldn't take it any more and left. His b*****r, my uncle let me move in with him and my aunt. It was a sweet deal, I paid no rent and all I had to do was help out with yard work and some minor repairs he was always doing so he paid me a small weekly stipend ($6/hr.....good money back then when the minimum wage was $3.35/hr) and let me drink whatever I wanted as long as I stayed there and didn't leave. He worked on a drilling platform out in the Gulf of Mexico and was gone 21 days then home for 14 and liked the idea of somebody being with my aunt while he was gone. I jumped at the offer and I kept my end of the deal during the summer I kept the yard cut and raked and when he was home helped with whatever he decided needed doing. I had always given my aunt more than a passing glance. At the time they were in their early 30's. &#034Jean&#034 always managed to get me hard no matter what. She wasn't fat, but she was thick in all the right places. She had 44D tits and wore size 12 panties (I found out after raiding hte laundry and later her dresser for pairs to jerk off into). She had reddish-brown hair that she wore loose except when doing house or yard work, then it was in a pony tail. During the summer she she wore shorts that hugged her ass and showed off the ...
    ... bottom of her asscheeks whenever she bent over and t-shirts and because of her big tits she almost always wore a bra. In the evenings when we were sitting around having a beer or watching TV she was usually in just a long t-shirt or gown and panties.....no bra. One Saturday my uncle and I were fixing the garage door, &#034Jean&#034 came out carrying a cooler full of beer. She was wearing a pair of tight track shorts and a bikini top. I could barely hide my hard-on. My uncle had to go to the hardware store for some parts for the door so I sat outside and finished my beer and watched &#034Jean&#034 work in her flower beds. I couldn't take my eyes off her ass and she crawled around on her hands and knees weeding the beds. Then she would turn and I could see her huge tits swinging and swaying in the loose fitting top. I didn't think my cock could get as hard as it did while watching her. She stood up, and as she brushed the dirt off her knees and hands her tits threatened to fall out of her top. She came over to the porch and sat down, her tits nearly bouncing out of the top. We talked for a few minutes and I excused myself saying I had to go pee and went inside. I made sure she was staying outside and ran down the hall to her bedroom. I went to the dresser and opened a couple of the drawers. On the third try I found what I was looking for....her underwear drawer. I reached all the way to the back and dug down to the bottom of the drawer, grabbed a pair and shut the drawer. I didn't ...