1. My aunt

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: Thaumaturge, Source: xHamster

    ... shooting one shot into her mouth, the rest I managed to catch in my hand. “Jean” coughed and gagged one time but didn’t wake up. I got up, went to the kitchen and washed my hands and got a beer and went out to the porch. I finished the beer and since she was passed out on the couch I headed for my room. The next morning I got up, went to the kitchen and “Jean” had already woke up, showered and had coffee brewing. She looked like she had a hangover from Hell. I asked her if she was alright and she gave me a look that said “NO!!!!!” We drank our coffee and then “Jean” headed back to her room to sl**p more of her night of fun off. Around 4 after doing some work in the yard a friend called and asked if I wanted to go hang out with some of our friends, I told him yes and to be over to pick me up in an hour or so. “Jean” was lying on the couch and I told her as I passed by headed to my room that I was going out. She asked when I’d be home and I told her honestly I had no idea. {My uncle and “Jean” didn’t put any kind of curfew on me…..they only asked that I not stay out all night or if I decided to stay at a friend’s house to give them a courtesy call.} I showered and just as I finished dressing my friend’s car pulled into the driveway. I stayed out until about midnight and decided to call it a night. None of my friends had any money to do anything and I wasn’t about to pay for all of them so I had him take me home. I walked in the front door and “Jean” was sitting on the ...
    ... couch….actually leaning would be more correct because she was sipping what had to have been one of numerous drinks. Her favorite was a vodka gimlet but when she couldn’t find a bartender that could make one she settled on tequila shots. Tonight it appeared to have been both. I went to the fridge, opened the freezer and checked the bottle of vodka…….it had been ¾ full earlier that afternoon, now there was only a few ounces left. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and went to the livingroom, sat in one of the recliners and asked “Jean” what brought this bought of drinking on. “Just felt like have a few drinks. The girls didn’t want to go out, so I decided I’d stay home and do it.” I watched her down the last bit of liquid in the glass, get up on very shaky legs and sway to the kitchen. I watched as she made another gimlet. She came back to the couch and plopped down, her big tits bouncing as she did. I got up to go change because my jeans were getting a wee bit tight in the crotch watching my aunt’s tits. I put on a pair of shorts with an elastic waistband and a tshirt…..no underwear. I went back to the living room and “Jean” was in the kitchen making yet another cocktail, muttering that that was the last of the vodka. She stayed in the kitchen and downed the small drink in 2 sips and had to hang on the furniture as she made her way back to the livingroom. She sat down on the couch and was barely able to sit up. I had the TV on but wasn’t watching it……I was watching “Jean”. She was ...