1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... There was another equally well built young man of the approximate age in the cab with him wearing a similar red ball cap as were the occupants of the green truck. Before Kate could blink Jim was outside approaching the driver side door of the red truck when she heard one of them say, “Oh shit, it’s Coach!” “Jeff Olson! Is that you in there? I’m disappointed with you Jeff.” “Oh my goodness gracious me, “the driver said mockingly, “he’s disappointed in you Jeff. Do you know this asshole and the bimbo who can’t drive? I’d like to fuck her though; I wonder how much the cunt charges?” “Yeah, dog I know Coach. You’d better apologize or you’re going to make him angry.” “Fuck him! What’s he going too……..” Too late; Jim grabbed the foul-mouth moron pulling him like a cork from a wine bottle minus the “pop” kicking and screaming through the rolled down truck window as the two occupants in the green truck came from around the corner of the Winnebago. Jim held foul-mouth by the throat and groin pinned on the hood of the truck. The terrified punk was afraid to move or speak as Jim squeezed his nut sack, “You boys get back in your truck and clear out or I’m going to rip this puppy’s balls off.” “What the fuck is the matter with you, dog?” one of his buddies said to Jeff who hadn’t moved from the truck. “Did you hear me?” Jim warned, squeezing harder to make him scream in pain. “Fuck, this son-of-a-bitch is crazy!” The two from the green truck said in unison while looking at each other ...
    ... now unsure. “Perhaps, I am,” Jim agreed letting go of the young man who slid off the hood of his truck onto the ground in a puddle of pain and vomit, holding his groin and moaning, “Nevertheless you puppies would do well to control your dirty mouths in the presence of a lady.” “It’s two against one asshole. Let’s take him, Dave.” “I like these odds; two to one but barely a challenge. Leave now or have at it little puppies. I don’t have all day. If you stay I won’t be as gentle with you as I was with him,” Jim said quietly, pointing to the puddle of pain and vomit on the asphalt. Glancing briefly over to his left Jim saw Kate standing next to him with a cast iron frying pan in her hand. Kate’s eyes were hot green flames of resolute anger and this made Jim smile and love her all the more if that were possible. “The odds just changed. You’re outnumbered.” “Coach,” Jeff said getting out of the truck and walking over, “May I help Eric up so we can leave?” “You may,” Jim replied and as Jeff was helping Eric to his feet, “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, Coach.” “I’ll take it under advisement. Are you still living at home?” “Yes.” “Are you working?” “No, and uh, sorry, Ma’am,” he said taking off his red ball cap and looking at Kate; Kate merely nodded. “Fine, we’ll talk in a few weeks. Come by the yard to see me.” “Dog, what the….” Jeff interrupted, “Watch your mouth, Dave. Mr. Brady is giving us a play. If you think you can both take him go for it. I’m not ending up in the emergency ...