1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... room for what started off as a goof……..” Kate took hold of Jim’s hand as they left and turned to him as both trucks drove out of sight. “Katherine that was a courageous thing to do but hardly necessary; nevertheless I’m proud of you.” “Thank you. I know you can handle them, but just in case.” “Well,” Jim said squeezing her hand, “I’m glad you went after me with a broom and not a cast iron frying pan. Cold iron is deadly on any of us Sidhe.” “Don’t be ridiculous, Petruchio,” Kate said, dropping the frying pan to the ground with a thud and putting her arms around his neck for a kiss, “You’re a good troll. Good trolls and ogres are immune to cold iron when they have the love of a human woman too melt their hearts and ward the deadly effects.” “Quite right,” Jim replied hugging and kissing her, “although it’s a potent deterrent when forcefully applied to dastardly redcaps should they attempt to accost us.” “Exactly, even though it was you who scared them off.” “We scared them off; there is an old saying, Kate, when you have the balls firmly in hand the heart and mind is sure to follow.” “You just made that up,” Kate said laughing, “Do you think they will be dumb enough to bother us again?” “No, But I want you to promise me to do as I say when things are really dangerous; do you promise?” “Yes, Sir,” Kate replied putting her head on his shoulder to hear his heart beating, content and feeling very safe at the moment, especially now that she knew the extremes Jim would take to ...
    ... protect her. Although not a bully and slow to anger, Kate knew that Jim relished a good fist fight. Those boys didn’t stand a chance against her man. She remembered what her Grandpa Jack used to say about tough and confident men like Jim. It was simple and to the point, “No brag, just fact.” This very masculine part of Jim fascinated and aroused the woman in Kate. She was amazed by the way Jim knew exactly what to do to dominate them so easily, thinking, ‘I love you Jim Brady, my pugnacious pugilist Petruchio.’ Jim hugged her close enjoying how Kate melted into him. As far as Jim was concerned everything was right with the cosmos, “Thank you, Katherine my love. Shall we get our groceries now?” “Yes, Sir,” Kate said taking his large warm callused hand in her small one for them to walk into the grocery store together……. Much to Kate’s delight Jim took every opportunity to kiss and hug her between juggling oranges and apples all the while being downright playful as they shopped. Jim stood behind her with his arms around Kate’s trim waist blowing on the back of her neck and giving her goose bumps as they waited in the checkout line. “Would you please behave,” she said not meaning it, reaching back to touch his face. “No ma’am, I’m just getting started.” “You’re impossible.” “And you’re gorgeous.” “And you’re next, “said Martha, the romantic at heart checkout lady in her late-sixties. Martha was smiling and thinking, ‘If only to be young again and so much in love…….’ Kate parked the ...