1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    Kate & Jim Chapter 3 beagle9690 May 2012 Kate was standing by the window when Jim walked into their bedroom. The soft moonlight was streaming shyly through the glass illuminating and caressing her trim nude form inspiring him to words destined by fate to be spoken. While not as eloquent as Lord Byron, they were a part of him known only to his dear departed Gina. Kate hadn’t taken her hair down. She would leave that erotic delight and sensual pleasure for Jim. Jim Brady was hers’ now, heart and soul; heaven help the hellfire fury of her wrath for any woman who tried to tear them asunder. Jim put his arms around her slim waist and rubbed her flat tummy, smelling her hair, “I love you, Katherine.” “I love you too, sweetheart. I’ve been looking at the moon. In another two days it will be full,” Kate took his hands and squeezed them, “and the fireflies are like tiny twinkling stars. It is so peaceful and I’m so happy.” “Jim?” “Yes, Katherine.” “I have to ask you something.” “Ask away, beautiful.” “While I was looking at the stars I was thinking about us and well….I used to believe in such things; the magic of stardust and moonlight…. I love you so much that I can feel it in my soul. You said we can talk about anything…..are we soul mates, Jim?” “As I stumble for these words that justice is served, I hold you close in celebration of your life. I say to the heavens my witness this night, you are a delight to my eyes as the moonlight caresses your naked form, illuminating the love ...
    ... of your tender woman’s heart, true Kate, true, Kate. Your earthly beauty is the envy of the stars above and the fireflies below. Tiny beings with their brief flickering lights destined for their reward in the heavens when they pass from this earth, true stars; true stars. While the stars may twinkle in millenniums of life they too will fade; millenniums are but seconds to our souls now eternity intertwined as witnessed from above this glorious night.” Katherine turned and put her arms around his thick bull neck, kissing his lips, basking in his words of love. Jim put his strong massive arms around her waist and gently held her as they looked at the stars and the moon; the fireflies. Finally, “Do you know what I think Mr. Brady?” “What do you think, Ms. Ryan?” “I think Shakespeare wrote the “Taming of the Shrew” with us in mind,” and she kissed his lips. “Will you please take my hair down, my sweet Petruchio? You have earned a special reward for that beautiful poem.” “What kind of special reward?” Kate got down on her knees and kissed his stomach, “Well lover, start taking my hair down and you’ll see.” Kate started licking the tip of Jim’s hard cock, teasingly while Jim removed the hairpins from her hair. Jim’s big thick cock was pulsating and twitching in anticipation as she licked; Kate loved teasing him this way. She was stroking her pussy with a free hand as she licked and sucked on his hard pulsating cock… teasing him, probing and testing with her tongue and lips. Kate ...