1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... in France and what occurred after. “So you see Katherine, Jim was devastated when he lost her. He never thought he would find another Gina.” “Did Jim ever, well you know after?” “Did he have other women? Of course he did, a few years later. How shall I put this, Katherine? Jim is a man. I’m a man. Still, it isn’t and wasn’t the same as it once was for us; not for Jim and not for me; short dalliances only. Those ladies never knew the real Jim as you do now. I’m sure eventually Jim will tell you the whole story.” “Do you think you’ll ever find somebody again, Tom?” “Perhaps,” he replied smiling while thinking of Sally McCarthy and their upcoming “Just for coffee mind you,” date. Tom told Kate about the woman he met whose car was broken down at the side of the road after he left the pub. “Will you tell me why you and Jim had a falling-out?” “No, that shall remain between Jim and me. What I will say is we didn’t hate each other Katherine. If something bad happened to Jim or if he needed something I would be there for him and he would be there for me.” “Do you mean being there to beat each other’s brains out, Tom?” “We didn’t though because we were stopped a second time; the down side is we’ll never know who is top dog,” he sighed. “The first time you were stopped by your wife Sally Ann correct?” To which Tom simply replied, “Yes.” “Will you tell me about Sally Ann?” “Goodness, Katherine; you don’t beat around the bush. We’ll save that for another time.” “What about Gina? How ...
    ... did they meet?” “I’ve said enough. If you want to know more about Gina ask Jim. Jim loves you Katherine although I hardly need to tell you that. He loves you as much if not more than Gina and I’ll tell you why. Word got back to me how you sang with him at his birthday party.” Kate smiled, remembering how he tucked her tenderly in bed and kissed her that night following the party, and last night with the poem; they had to be soul mates and there was such a thing as the magic of star dust and moon beams if one would only believe. “He doesn’t give his love or loyalty lightly, Katherine. Jim will go to the ends of the earth to see to your well being and safety.” “Jim is my soul mate, Tom.” “You know Katherine, I believe he is and I’m not just saying that. There I’m done,” he said, tightening down the last lug nut, “There will be no charge. I strongly suggest you go straight home. Something is waiting for you that will require your immediate attention.” Jim was at work when she pulled into their driveway. Kate put her hand over her mouth in surprise, almost not believing her emerald green eyes. There was a Winnebago Sightseer Recreation Vehicle parked to one side. ‘Goodness and bless him,’ she thought, ‘Jim has done it to me again.’ She found a brief note on his embossed linen stationary. It was written with a fountain pen in his bold cursive handwriting and placed on the steering wheel. “My dearest Katherine, The owners’ manual for the Winnebago is in the glove compartment. Please ...