1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... familiarize yourself with it. I know you will clean and organize it from top to bottom to meet your exacting standards before we leave in it for Florida. I won’t be home for lunch because we’re breaking in a new man to fill in while we’re on vacation. See you when I get home at five, all my love for eternity, Jim.” ‘All my love for eternity,’ Kate thought as she hugged herself pretending it was him, ‘I love you too, Jim, my sweet Petruchio.’ She kissed the note at the bottom by his signature next to the hand drawn red heart with a black and red fletched arrow through it; their names Kate & Jim in the center. ‘This little heart is a sweet romantic gesture with so much love behind it. It’s so like him. How can Jim possibly know I’ve always wanted to travel in one of these….it will be so much fun! We’ll have to buy extra groceries though and I’ll bring a few of my pots and pans….. The cast iron one if we cook over a camp fire…..I’d love to do that….oh yes, we’ll need paper plates; I’ll get the good ones. I’m sure we’ll be going out for dinner....and my clothes…there is so much to do. I wonder if Jim will let me drive it…..that will be so cool...I’m getting ahead of myself. I’d better start his dinner. He’ll be starving when he gets home.’ Dinner was waiting for Jim when he arrived home and plenty of it. On the stairway to the stars of love, Kate could barely contain herself as she ran out to meet him in the driveway with a hug and a kiss; practically jumping into his strong arms ...
    ... for him to pick her up and spin her around; and he did. Kate felt so young when she was with Jim. She absolutely craved his hugs and kisses. The widow Dudley from across the street was sitting on her front porch with an indignant look on her face when Kate did that and was thinking, ‘First the arson and now this ridiculous display….shameful, living in sin with that brutish homely man,’ there were other thoughts not so nice. At one time the woman was one of Kate’s staunchest neighborhood supporters although the woman is a bit of a prude. Kate smiled and waved to her over Jim’s right shoulder. It amazed Kate the things she was willing do with Jim. It was Kate and Jim against the world in their private romantic love cosmos. “Wow, what a greeting, Kate. I missed you too,” Jim said putting her down and kissing her lips, “who are you waving at?” “Priscilla Dudley; let’s give the old prune a good show,” Kate grabbed his face in her little hands, kissing his lips and sticking her tongue in his mouth. “Wow and double wow!” Jim exclaimed not expecting this, “Aren’t you in a playful mood? You taste delicious by the way and you smell like Jasmine. It must be your shampoo.” “Of course I smell nice. I took a shower. Do you like my ponytail?” She asked shaking her head and making her ponytail bounce. “I adore your ponytail. It goes well with your blue jeans and red paisley bandana blouse. What’s for dinner?” “We’re having lamb stew with parsnips, carrots and little pearl onions over garlic ...