1. Kate & Jim Chapter 3

    Date: 8/27/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: beagle9690, Source: sexstories.com

    ... –tarragon mashed potatoes; a tomato & cucumber salad with raspberry/balsamic vinaigrette. We will be having go-get ice cream for dessert.” “What kind of ice cream is that?” Jim asked tugging on her ponytail. “There’s no ice cream in the fridge. We have to go get some; my treat. We can make it a little date and go-get an ice cream cone.” Kate put her arms around Jim’s neck and kissed his lips while rubbing his bristly head, “Your hair can use a trim later tonight.” “Your wish is my command, beautiful Kate.” Kate noticed Pricilla Dudley was now on a cell phone, probably talking to Mira Malone who was on her porch with her cell phone to her ear watching them; Kate was thinking, “What busybodies they are….what a busybody I was…I love you Jim. I don’t care if the whole world knows!’ “I love you, sweetheart,” she said raising her voice and waving to the both of them and then louder, “I love him ladies and I don’t care if the whole world knows it.” “I love you too my little bitch with a woman’s heart,” he replied quietly, crushing her gently to him with his strong arms. “May I drive the Winnebago when we go for ice cream and groceries? I always wanted to travel in one.” “I don’t see why not. We will be taking it to Florida.” “Just like that; no comments about women drivers?” “No! Of course not; you’re an excellent driver.” “Fair enough; it’s just that you are familiar driving large vehicles; dump trucks and heavy equipment like cranes and backhoes while I’m not.” “I’m sure you can ...
    ... handle it my beautiful and smart lady. May we have dinner now please?” Jim asked letting go of her and waving to the neighbors, “I love her and we’re going to Florida,” he shouted. “Yes, Sir,” Kate replied taking his waving arm and then his hand to stop him, both of them laughing as they walked in their house together for dinner……….. They first went to purchase their groceries with Kate in command at the wheel when they pulled into the super market parking lot. They selected a deserted section well away from other vehicles so she could practice backing up. ‘She’s doing well,’ Jim was thinking as Kate backed in and out several times, ‘good peripheral vision…yup… Katherine is doing just fine….very good, darling!’ Jim was himself on the stairway to the stars of love. He was delighted how Kate was enjoying herself; Jim was delighted with Kate in general when she suddenly hit the brakes stopping abruptly. Two ostentatious chrome accessorized off-road pickup trucks covered stylishly in dried mud came careening from around the corner of the back of the supermarket at a high rate of speed; both deliberately missing the Winnebago by a baby’s breath. Kate laid on the horn and as a result both trucks came circling back. The red one stopped in front with the squealing of tires; the green doing the same parking behind them to prevent the Winnebago from leaving. The driver in the red truck was a large well built young man in his late teens to early twenties wearing a red ball cap backwards. ...