Her Husband's Boss
Date: 1/9/2016,
Author: Mario Caliente
... man intended to use her. Obviously, he not only wanted her body but her soul, as well. The part about calling her husband while he was still inside her! Her lips quivered. When she was able to speak, she managed to protest: “I…I’m not going to suck your cock!” She had tried to sound defiant, and she succeeded, but it sounded more like the insolent voice of a little girl, not an adult woman. Slater snickered. “You don’t have a strong negotiating position, sweetie.” He paused, watching her carefully, while the bartender watched them both. “So, Jessica baby, do we have a deal or not?” Still staring at the table top, Jessica again spoke, but in voice so soft that Slater could barely hear. “Can you…can you at least use a condom?” “Why?” he sneered, “aren’t you on birth control?” A single tear ran slowly down the woman’s cheek, a tear rendered by anger and humiliation. She sucked in a big breath and then, at last, lifted her watery eyes from the table and looked Slater in the eye. “I don’t want you to give me a fucking STD, you god damn bastard!” Slater laughed louder than at any time before. Then he leaned toward the woman and whispered hoarsely. “Sorry, sweetie, no condom. I’m going to deposit my cum inside Mike Jones’ hot honey of a wife. And I hope hubby wants to fuck her that night when both of them are laying in their marital bed where only a few hours earlier she cheated on him with another man! That’s what I want, and that’s what I’ll get if you want your husband earning a ...
... VP’s salary, are we clear?” A number of tears now ran freely down Jessica’s cheeks. What she was hearing was shocking her to the core. The bar tender was watching. He gave Slater a look, and Slater hunched his shoulders and handed the woman a handkerchief which she batted away angrily. “Which day, Jessica? Tomorrow? Or Wednesday? I need to make my decision to the Board on Thursday” Michael Jones’ wife took several deep breaths and dried her eyes with the sleeves of her blouse. She straightened the posture of her back in an attempt to show some dignity in her body language, but her eyes nevertheless returned to the table top. Her voice was vacant, almost unintelligibly: “Tomorrow,” she said between sniffles. VIII. That night in bed, Jessica’s husband reached for her in the dark. She had wished desperately that he wouldn’t, because she was an emotional wreck, though she had hid it quite well when he returned home late from work. She did not deny him, however, when he mounted her, but neither did she participate. There were too many guilty feelings racing through her head. “You’re having me now,” she thought to herself as she felt his penis enter her, “but another man will be having me tomorrow! I will be cheating on you tomorrow!” A tear rolled down her cheek. “That’s okay, baby,” she heard her husband whispering hoarsely in her ear, and it startled her. Had he read her thoughts!? “Just lie there. You don’t have to move. Pretend you’re asleep. I’m fucking you and you’re asleep, ...