Her Husband's Boss
Date: 1/9/2016,
Author: Mario Caliente
Please note: This is a long story so if you're looking for a quick, five minute jerk off, go somewhere else. If you enjoy good erotic literature, however, I think you'll enjoy this. And don't worry, you'll be able to jerk off. More than once, probably. HER HUSBAND'S BOSS I. Michael Jones had great news for his wife after the waiter took their order. They were celebrating her 29th birthday at an expensive restaurant. He took her hand and told her the news: a Vice President at his company was retiring, and he, Michael, was one of the candidates to replace him. Jessica squealed with delight. It meant an important raise in his salary. It meant they could at last afford a larger home and plan for their second child. Their son, Michael junior, was six years old, and they had been seriously thinking that it was more than time if they were ever going to have another. A significant raise in her husband’s salary meant an improved wardrobe, admittance to a country club, and private schooling for Michael junior, all of which were as important as a McMansion home in terms of the type of social climbing that Jessica longed for. She had grown up poor, and had used street smarts and a natural intelligence, as well as remarkably good looks, to climb as high up the ladder as she had already. Marrying Michael Jones not long after college had been perhaps her best rung up the ladder. But she wanted more. And she wanted it quick. She had long ago promised herself that she would be a prominent ...
... socialite by the age of thirty. She had one year to go. Jessica had worked when they were first married, but quit when Michael junior came along, and had been a stay-at-home mom ever since, able to do so since her husband made a comfortable salary. She discovered that she really wasn’t cut out for the work-a-day world, and had been slow in looking for even a part time job now that her son was in the first grade. She now told her husband how great the extra income would be after a promotion to Vice President. He was quick to caution her, however, that there was competition for the promotion. At least three other executives at the firm were in consideration. Jessica looked at her husband with eyes that said he had better win the promotion. Her husband loosened his necktie and tried to change the subject as he took a sip of his wine. II. Two weeks later, Jessica and Michael attended a weekend party at the home of Michael Slater, the CEO at the company where Michael Jones worked, and the one person who held in his hands the decision as to whom would be the new Vice President. Every day since learning of the possible promotion, Jessica had peppered her husband for updates. As they drove to Slater’s party, he told her that the candidates had been whittled down to just two: himself and Jack McShane. Both men had delivered final presentations to Slater and the board during the week just ended. Michael told her that McShane, who at forty-four was ten years older than Michael, had more ...