1. Her Husband's Boss

    Date: 1/9/2016, Categories: Fantasy Cheating Domination/submission Author: Mario Caliente

    ... not only propositioning her, he was trying to humiliate her to the max. “You fucking creep!” were the words that she finally spilled forth. “Did anyone ever tell you you’re beautiful when you’re mad?” Slater gloated. “You’re thinking of not going through with this, aren’t you? I’ve made you angry. But there’s one problem, isn’t there? You’ve already spent the extra money in your head, haven’t you? You wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t already spent it. What is it, a bigger house? A vacation home? Your son’s college fund? I’m guessing it’s the bigger house. You look like the type of social climber that needs the bigger house. And it’s yours, Jessica. For one little fling in the sack with me, your dreams will come true.” Slater paused, amused by seeing the expression on the woman’s face that told him he had pegged her exactly right. She dropped her eyes to intently study something she apparently saw on the table top between them. “I have to make the VP decision before the end of the week,” he continued. “So our romp in the hay has to be either tomorrow or the next day.” He paused again to wait for a reaction. When he got none, he continued. “What time does your kid get home from school?” “Four o’clock,” Jessica mumbled, still staring at the table, her head bowed. “So, your house, 1:00pm. That should give us enough time. Tomorrow or Wednesday, your choice.” Another pause. “See, I give you options. It’s not as if you have no say in all this!” He finished this sentence with a ...
    ... mirthless laugh. Jessica’s eyes continued to study the table top. She desperately wanted to tell this son-of-a-bitch to stick his lewd and humiliating plan up his ass. She had not imagined the level of depravity that Slater was now spelling out to her in mind numbing detail. She had imagined she would simply meet him in some hotel room and spread her legs with her mind on a shelf while he spent maybe ten or fifteen minutes doing what he felt he had to do and then she would take a long shower and get the hell out. That was essentially what had transpired with the first of the college professors she had fucked. He had wanted to take her out to diner afterwards but she declined, wanting to get away from him as fast as possible. Things had gone even quicker with the second professor. Having obviously been tipped off by Professor Number One that she was game, he simply laid the twenty-year-old college coed out across the desk in his office late one night and fucked her while standing between her legs that dangled off the edge. He lasted less than a minute, an amount of time during which Jessica stared at the family portrait on his desk: he with his wife and three daughters, the oldest of which looked like she might have been her own age. Jessica’s mind, which had flashed back to those first two times she had been indecently propositioned, came back into focus on the present, where she was sitting in stunned silence in a sleazy bar, listening to the ways in which a wealthy and powerful ...