1. Her Husband's Boss

    Date: 1/9/2016, Categories: Fantasy Cheating Domination/submission Author: Mario Caliente

    ... okay?” “Yes, honey!” she gasped, relieved that he had not somehow known her thoughts. But then she could not control a sob at the thought that another man’s penis would be inside her tomorrow. And not just any other man. His boss! Her husband ceased his in-an-out thrusts. “Why are you crying?” he asked, his voice deep with concern. “Because I love you!” she cried. “I love you too, baby” he panted, which only turned her guilt up a notch. He resumed fucking her, but with gentle strokes now, savoring the feel of her body beneath him, whispering in her ear over and over the words “I love you”, not understanding the real reason why his beautiful, young wife continued to weep softly as he did her. IX. 1:00pm Monday came and went. Jessica Jones was sitting in her kitchen, on a bar stool, a bottle of wine sitting half undrunk on the bar. The other half of the bottle’s contents was inside her, warming her, easing the nervous tension she had felt ever since kissing her husband goodbye as he left for work at 7:00. Getting Michael junior off to school had been a chore that morning—he had insisted he was sick and wanted to stay home. Jessica impatiently packed him off amid his protests, and fell back against the inside of the closed door once she pushed him outside to run and catch the school bus that was already waiting in the cul-de-sac. She looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was ten past one. She was thinking—perhaps even hoping—that Slater got cold feet and did something ...
    ... she wished she could do: call this whole, sordid deal off before it was too late. But she doubted that was the case, and took another swallow of wine, feeling the welcomed buzz. She thought she would need the entire bottle to help her get through the upcoming encounter. She caught her reflection is the glass of the kitchen window. Straightening her posture, she studied herself carefully. She liked what she saw. “Hot” was definitely one word to describe her. And yes, as instructed, she was wearing the sleeveless, summery dress that she had worn to Slater’s party on Saturday night. The hem hit her at mid-thigh as she sat on the stool. She was also wearing the medium heel pumps that she had worn to the party. Slater had not specified the shoes she was to wear, only the dress, but she had no other shoes that went well with the dress. She was looking at the clock as the minute hand moved to fifteen minutes after the hour when the doorbell rang. She almost spilled wine down the front of her dress. At the front door, before opening it, Jessica paused to straighten her hair. She caught herself doing this, and stopped, infuriated. “What am I, going on a fucking date?!” she silently scolded herself. Pushing her nervousness aside, she opened the door to the fate that awaited her. Michael Slater stood there smiling. Their eyes locked, a look of bemusement on the man’s face, a look of loathing on the woman’s. Slater’s eyes then traveled down Jessica’s body, all the way to her medium high ...