1. Rachel. Part 2: Previous Sins

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Bisexual, Author: NatashaTsarinaErotic, Source: LushStories

    ... smiled. “Of course we can.”
    “Seriously, that happened?” said Jenny when Rachel had finished her story.
    “I swear to God. Sister Emma loved eating pussy, but since she was such a mousy woman, no one thought so and she was too shy to try to get it on with the other girls.”
    “What happened to the three she snitched on?”
    “Nothing. All Mother Superior wanted was to know who was horny enough to get it on with.”
    “Jesus, and I thought nuns were supposed to be saintly or whatever you call it.”
    Rachel laughed. “Oh look, we are almost there. Just five miles to the turnoff. Maybe I make it sound like there were orgies every night. It wasn’t like that. Maybe ten girls were into it and three or four nuns. Consider that the student body was five hundred with around a hundred nuns, plus other staff a very small percentage were into the sex thing.”
    “I see, and what happened then? Did you and Sister Emma get it on?”
    “Mm we sure did and I also did it with a few of the other girls. As long as you didn’t make too much noise, none of the girls would snitch so we could be in our beds. Another unwritten rule was that we shouldn’t finger each other?”
    Jenny turned to her friend quickly. “Why the heck not, that’s just so fucking nice? I do miss a good fingering.”
    “Think about it.”
    There was a silence. “Oh, shit, of course. You have to be a virgin.”
    “Ten points to you. That’s exactly right.”
    “Wow, that’s a messed-up rule.”
    “I know that now, but back then my ...
    ... friends and I had no clue. We were happy licking and making out at night.”
    Jenny turned off the highway onto an off-ramp and then onto a dual carriageway, which she followed for a few miles before turning off onto a much smaller road leading up into the hills through the dense forest.
    “Shit, here it comes, mosquito country,” said Rachel.
    “It’s not that bad, and we have spray.”
    They continued for another fifteen minutes or so before turning onto a track with thick forest on both sides. In a clearing was a wood cabin with a shed to the right and a pretty garden in front and on either side. The flowers were red, violet, and yellow. Jenny parked, and they began to unload the food they had bought in the city. They would stay two nights.
    The cabin had two comfortable bedrooms and a shared bathroom between them. Walking down a narrow corridor, you entered the living room with large windows facing another garden at the back of the house with a jacuzzi. Beyond that was the woods.
    They unpacked, grabbed their bikinis, and headed out for an afternoon swim in the nearby lake. Not having to drive anymore that day Jenny brought a six-pack of beers.
    “Have you been to the gym?” asked Rachel, who walked behind Jenny along the narrow track.
    “No, why, can you notice?”
    Rachel giggled. “You are a bit rounder around the ass and thighs.”
    “Fuck you. I have to work hard and late. Who has time for the gym?”
    “I do and I work as hard as you do.”
    Jenny stopped and breathed ...