1. Rachel. Part 2: Previous Sins

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Bisexual, Author: NatashaTsarinaErotic, Source: LushStories

    ... wine, and a movie. Not that Jenny was a house mouse. She liked to party, she liked to meet men and she love to fuck, but everything to a certain limit. As far as she knew, Rachel had bedded at least twenty-five men since she and Tom had split. That was a lot of men in just a few months. Not a healthy way to live for any person.
    “Rachel, why don't we take the weekend off partying and guys? I thought we could go to my parent's cabin by the lake, just you and I. What do you think?”
    Rachels's head sat on a swivel. Not a single man in the bar escaped from her eyes and attention. She watched them, flirted a few moments, and then moved to the next.
    “Rachel, did you hear me?”
    “What, why?” I don’t want to go to the woods, it's full of trees and mosquitos.”
    Jenny sighed. “You need to stop, ok; you need a break from men and fucking.”
    Rachel turned to her. “Why? Sex is fun, men are amazing, I love men, I love cock.”
    Something was wrong with Rachel, Jenny thought. She was acting almost hysterical. “Look, I’m taking you home and spending the night. Tomorrow, we take my car to the cabin. End of discussion.”
    Jenny dragged Rachel from the bar and had to work on keeping her calm in the taxi, but by the time they opened Rachel's door, her friend had calmed down. Jenny put her to bed and went to sleep on the sofa where she could keep an ear out for the door if Rachel decided to sneak out again.
    “Hey, wake up, sleepyhead.”
    Jenny slowly opened her eyes and looked up ...
    ... at Rachel, who was standing by the sofa with two cups of coffee. She handed one to Jenny, who took it thankfully. She felt the previous night's drinking in her head and sighed.
    “Are we going to the woods?” asked Rachel with a sigh. She wore a long t-shirt and her nipples poked against the thin fabric.
    Jenny sat up and sipped the hot drink. “Yes, we are. You need a break.”
    Rachel sat down next to her. “You are right. There are a few things we need to talk about, things you don’t know about me.”
    Jenny laughed. “I had no clue you were a mix between a succubus and a nymphomaniac, for starters. What else is there?”
    “A lot, but that can wait until we are on the road. Let me pack a bag, take a shower, and then we go by your place so you can change before we leave.”
    Traffic was bumper to bumper on their way out of the city, but the two friends didn’t mind. They had stocked up with sodas and snacks and were munching away while talking about the latest fashion mixed with gossip from their workplace. Where Rachel was a lawyer at a large firm, Jenny worked the stock market and sometimes their client list would cross each other. Funny how rich men and women often needed a lawyer they both agreed on. They were professionals, so they never got into details about their clients.
    “Finally, the traffic is getting better,” said Jenny and pressed her foot against the gas pedal, making her BWM M3 shoot away, leaving the other cars behind. She had bought it as a birthday gift on ...