1. Rachel. Part 2: Previous Sins

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Bisexual, Author: NatashaTsarinaErotic, Source: LushStories

    ... the hills with the dark woods grew closer.
    “C’mon, don’t leave me hanging. What happened?”
    Rachel closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat and thought back to that night she had gone to the bathroom and heard someone weird sounds in one of the booths. The bathroom was large. When you walked in you had four wash basins to the right and after them came eight toilet booths and opposite them along the wall were eight shower stalls. On the outside of each door was a plastic hook where the girls would hang their towels and panties. The pajama was a simple thin white dress, and you had to sleep with panties on. In the summer without air conditioning and only a ceiling fan in the room where eight slept, it became very hot.
    The sound had come from the last stall to the right. Rachel froze and slowly moved to the closest basin where she turned on the water and washed her face. When she looked up, she saw Sister Emma in the mirror behind her. Without turning, Rachel smiled and said, “Hello, Sister Emma.”
    “Good evening, Ms. Rachel.”
    “Couldn’t you sleep either? It’s so hot tonight.”
    Sister Emma walked up to Rachel and began washing her hands in the basin next to her. There was a film of sweat on her forehead and her cheeks were flushed.
    “Are you okay, Sister Emma?”
    “Yes, fine, thank you very much.” She was dressed like Rachel, but her hair was in an even tighter bun at the nape of her neck. Neither the nuns nor the students were allowed to keep their hair ...
    ... loose, not even during sleep. It looked sinful.
    Rachel slowly dried her hands on a towel that hung from a ring on the wall and when Sister Emma turned and took two steps, she asked, “What’s it like?”
    The nun stopped in her tracks and stood still like a statue. “Whatever do you mean?”
    Rachel smiled and then in a whisper she said, “To sin, to touch yourself.”
    The nun didn’t move, just swayed a little from side to side. For a moment, Rachel thought she would either break down crying or turn around and scolded her. She did neither.
    “You should know, Ms. Rachel. All you girls do it, I know because Mother Superior told me during my interview.”
    Rachel was curious and leaned against the basin. “What did she tell you?”
    Sister Emma still hadn’t turned around. Maybe it felt safer for her to talk facing away. “She said that if I saw or heard any of the girls sin at night, I should tell her their names.”
    “And have you?”
    Silence. Rachel repeated the question, and the nun sighed. “Yes, this morning I told Mother Superior about Carla, Helena, and Eva.”
    Rachel laughed and now Sister Emma turned around. ‘That’s no laughing matter.”
    “Says who? You, you were just inside a stall rubbing your pussy.”
    Sister Emma’s face went red and her mouth opened and closed like a fish on dry land. When she had collected herself, she said, “Listen to me, young lady. It is none of your concern what I do and don’t do. I am a sister at this school, you are just a student without any ...