1. Rachel. Part 2: Previous Sins

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Bisexual, Author: NatashaTsarinaErotic, Source: LushStories

    ... her twenty-fifth birthday. Rachel had thought it was a waste of money, but her friend loved the car.
    “What was it you wanted to tell me this morning?” Jenny asked.
    “Don’t play difficult. You said you had a lot to tell me.”
    Rachel cringed. She had opened her mouth too much and now Jenny wouldn’t give up. She had dreaded this moment ever since they had become friends but just because of their friendship she had to open up. Telling Rachel about having a threesome with two much older men in her room. They were gardeners who worked in the area.
    “Ok, I’ll tell you. I owe it to you since you came clean with your family disaster.”
    Jenny slowly shook her head and switched gears. She hated to be reminded of her biggest mistake.
    “Anyway, you know I went to catholic school and it turned out that the nuns were into other women”
    Jenny laughed. “Sorry, it sounds like a script for a cheesy porn flick. Let’s see, what name should it have? Oh, I know, Nuns on teens!” Jenny laughed again.
    “Very funny, but you are not far off. Some serious Sodom and Gomorra shit was going on at night. You could her girls moaning and the nuns encouraging them.”
    “And no one spoke up, or told their parents?”
    “Once or twice some parents came by all concerned and shit, but the mother superior always managed to convince them nothing had happened and that their daughter was a good girl and that everything would be fine.”
    “What happened to you?”
    Rachel bit into a chocolate ...
    ... muffin and didn’t manage to stop crumbs falling between her legs.
    “Hey, watch the seat. It’s expensive as fuck to clean.”
    “Sorry. Like I said, by the time I was seventeen, none of the nuns had touched me or any of the other girls. I was so sure it would happen to me. I would lie awake almost every night waiting for it, but it never did.”
    “Good for you.”
    “Heck no. It was a form of passage, you know. Once you had done it, you got the older girls' respect. If you made a stupid mistake on an exam, the nun wouldn’t mark it as wrong and so forth.”
    “Sounds like it was some kind of abuse.”
    “Yeah, in today's society for sure, but years ago, things were different, and this had been going on for decades.”
    “I don’t get it; nothing happened and still you said a lot did?”
    Rachel gave her a crooked smile. “Well, since no one came to me, I decided to go to one of them. I wasn’t a straight-A student; I didn’t have many friends which I wanted.”
    “No way. Who did you seduce?”
    Rachel giggled. “The music teacher. She was a substitute for one semester. A little lost around the school didn’t mingle much with the other nuns because she was so much younger.”
    “How much?”
    “Shit, I was seventeen; she might have been twenty-three or twenty-four. She was old to me, I guess.”
    “Fuck you, we are twenty-five and don’t look a day over twenty.”
    They both laughed and Rachel handed her friend a soda. The highway was empty, and they made good time. The sun was shining and ...