1. Rachel. Part 2: Previous Sins

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Bisexual, Author: NatashaTsarinaErotic, Source: LushStories

    ... authority.”
    Rachel slowly nodded and said, “You are right, but all I want is for you to tell me how to do it?”
    “You, you, insolent child.”
    “You are just a few years older than I am.”
    Sister Emma walked up to Rachel and stood so close their boobs almost touched. Sister Emma had a large rack with pointy nipples that pushed against her gown. Rachel suddenly felt very excited and, without thinking, she put her hands on the other woman’s cheeks and pulled her closer. Sister Emma tried to pull away, but Rachel held her and slowly the nun relaxed and a quiet moan escaped her lips and they came apart. They looked each other in the eye and then Sister Emma kissed Rachel. This time it was a deep kiss with plenty of tongue play. Rachel was slowly turned so her back was against the basin. Sister Emma gently pushed her back a bit more until Rachel had to sit down on the edge, but slid down into the basin. Her legs shot out and Sister Emma moved in between them.
    “Do you want to know what it feels like when the Lord comes down and touches you? When he sends wave after wave of pleasure through your body at the same time that he forbids us to experience it before marriage? I will never be married; I will never have a man inside me or give him a child. It’s my choice, yes, but I want to have pleasure, so call me a bad nun.”
    Rachel was surprised at Sister Emma’s tirage but didn’t have time to answer. With a few quick moves, Sister Emma had her head under Rachel’s gown and her ...
    ... legs over her shoulders. Then it happened and when it did, it was nothing that Rachel would have been able to come up with in her wildest dreams. The nun’s soft warm tongue danced on and around a spot Rachel had never realized she had. It tickled at first, then she became all warm and wet between her legs. She gasped and moaned and the Nun held her legs fast in her warm hands. Rachel thought she was going to pee and began to struggle to get loose.
    “Hang in there, Ms. Rachel, just wait.”
    “Oh, oh, oh God, what is happening, what is this, fuck, fuck.”
    Sister Emma stopped licking but rubbed two fingers fast over her clit. “Here comes the Lord—embrace him, give yourself to him, Ms. Rachel.”
    “Ah, oh, oh, yes, yes!”
    Sister Emma had to put her hand over Rachel’s mouth to keep her quiet or she would wake one or several of the other girls.
    When she pulled away, Sister Emma looked down at the young woman sitting in the basin. She looked quite funny but more than that, she looked happy with a big smile on her face.
    “Was that a..?”
    “Yes, Ms. Rachel, that was God’s gift to you. It’s also called an orgasm.”
    “Holy shit.” Rachel regrated herself and put a hand to her mouth. “Sorry.”
    Sister Emma smiled and helped her out of the basin and onto the floor. “Sometimes, even good girls are allowed to say bad words. You better get back to bed.”
    Rachel began walking away on weak legs and then she turned around. “Can we do it again? I want to taste you.”
    Sister Emma ...