1. Rachel. Part 2: Previous Sins

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Bisexual, Author: NatashaTsarinaErotic, Source: LushStories

    ... heavily. “Don’t be a bitch, ok. I’m just not as motivated as you. Men do like women with a bit of meat on them.”
    Rachel held up her hands. “I’m sure some do; I’m just fucking with you.”
    They kept on walking and after a few minutes they reached smooth rocks where they put down their towels and Jenny opened a beer each. “Listen.”
    “What? I can’t hear anything.”
    “Exactly. It's quiet, it’s nice, it’s peaceful.”
    Rachel swatted at a mosquito that had landed on her arm. “Shit, it has begun.”
    “I’m swimming nude; there is no one else here,” said Jenny, and stripped off her bikini.
    Rachel looked over at the tiny beach across the lake. It wasn’t more than a hundred yards or so, but if someone had been there, they would have gotten a decent look at firm boobs and shaved pussies, she thought while undressing.
    Jenny dove in and came up squirting water from her mouth. “Ah, delicious. So lovely.”
    Rachel slipped into the water and swam after her friend who was heading to the beach. Once they reached it, they lay down on the sand. The sun was still shining on them but would drop down below the trees in a short while.
    “What’s it like?” asked Jenny.
    “Eating pussy. Is it like sucking cock?”
    Rachel laughed. “It’s nothing like sucking dick. When you do that there seems to me that the guy always tries to shove his cock as far back as he can. Eating pussy is much softer, more sensual, more erotic. It’s done slowly and with care and it tastes pretty ...
    ... good.”
    “Anyone squirt on your pretty face?”
    Rachel turned on her stomach. “No, no squirters, at least not any I was with.”
    Jenny, who was on her back, looked at her friend’s perfect body and visualized a young woman kissing her back down to her curved ass and down the crack between her ass cheeks, down the inside of her legs, and then up again. Shit, I’m getting horny, she thought.
    “Would you say you are bisexual?”
    Rachel thought for a moment. “Maybe, I’m not sure, what is a bisexual person?”
    “Someone who is attracted both physically and emotionally to someone of their sex, I guess.”
    “Nah, not me. I was never in love with the girls I was with. I liked them or I wouldn’t have done it. I guess for me it was more about the physical connection, the need for warmth, being held, kissed, hugged, and those amazing orgasms.”
    “Would you do it again, now when it has been around eight years since you did it last?”
    “Shit, what is this, a hundred questions?” Rachel said and rolled onto her back. She pulled at her nipples and then turned to her friend. “Are you curious about girl-on-girl sex? Did my experiences make you horny and curious?”
    “Go ahead and try it. There are plenty of women out there who feel like you.”
    “You are right. I could go on a dating site and see what I can find.”
    Rachel got up and stretched her arms above her head while looking across the water. The sun had just dipped below the tree lines and there was a chill in the air. She ...