1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... you see them?!” a deep voice shouts from the other side of the building.
    “Ah!” I completely forgot. We need to leave right now. “Come!” I’m able to say after my laughing fit had subsided. Then I grab her hand and dash across the street into the safety of my home.
    We cannot wait any longer. Inner desires fuel our actions with intense fervor and longing. Alicia forcefully pushes me against the elevator's wall as soon as the doors part, passionately kissing my neck as if she were a vampire. I respond with a moan, fingers buried in her hair, relishing the sensation of her tongue dancing over the skin of my neck.
    She then shifts her attention to my lips, nibbling on my bottom lip and then releasing it. Her tongue intertwines with mine in a passionate French kiss. The sound of our lips meeting is so loud and intense that it borders on comical, but the sound only fuels our desire. Alicia remains dressed in her revealing leather attire. The resident security officer in my building was surely beyond thrilled when he saw us saunter past him.
    Ugh, it feels incredible. Her tongue, long and enticing, seems to create a sensual undulating movement inside my mouth. I cannot help but wonder if she could replicate that sensation on my clitoris. Seizing her arms, I take control, pushing her back against the nearby wall. It's then I notice that we've forgotten to press the elevator button. The doors remain open, and to our surprise, the elderly woman from earlier stands there, ...
    ... observing our encounter.
    “Oh, don’t mind me,” she says as we finally make eye contact. “I’ll get the next one.”
    I feel like I’m dripping with saliva, and my mouth remains agape. “I…uh…”
    “What floor?” Alicia asks me.
    “F-F-Forty-three,” I spit out, still stunned.
    The doors begin to close. But not before the lady quickly speaks. “I’m glad you were able to find who you were looking for.”
    “I did. Thanks!”
    The doors shut and Alicia and I exchanged funny expressions.
    “You strategized with an old lady about my rescue?” Alicia asks.
    “Well... it’s a long story. I'll fill you in some time.”
    “Please do. We have all the time in the world.”
    My pussy is aching. Throbbing. Floor forty-three couldn’t come soon enough. As the doors shut behind us, I lead her to my door. I can’t wipe the smile from my face. I've had the longest night ever. The moment I've been eagerly waiting for has finally arrived. From scaling a forty-story structure to coercing one of New York's most influential men to ziplining from that same building. And at last, the pinnacle moment has come.
    “You’ve gone quiet,” she says to me as I pull my keys from my pocket.
    With excitement coursing through me, I attempt to insert the rigid key into the waiting keyhole, “It’s been a long night.”
    “Oh, so…you want to go to sleep?” she says, her eyes turning a little sad.
    A piercing chuckle slips from my lips as I gaze intensely into her eyes.
    “I’ll sleep once you ravage my body and I pleasure ...