1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... right now. I want to come with her. In her arms. Away from these men.
    “Why did you stop?!” she whispers, pulling her face out from my ass and I wince when she does.
    Sweat drips down my brow, but I quickly take my mind off the overwhelmingly stimulated sensation by listening to the men.
    “They’re not here! Let’s check somewhere else!” a man yells.
    “Shh…I whisper back to her.” My throbbing labia relaxes, but my legs still quiver and my body feels like jelly. My thong feels so moist; I’m definitely leaking.
    “Are…you okay?” she asks. “You’re shaking.”
    “I…can’t tell you,” I reply through gritted teeth. “It’s embarrassing.”
    “More embarrassing than dancing in front of an erect man, and getting photos taken of me?”
    “Yes. Yes, it is.”
    She pinches my butt, and once again, I yelp like a little girl.
    “Stop that!”
    “Tell me.”
    With a hint of frustration in my voice, I utter, “Fine. You wanna’ know?! You arouse me to such a degree that I'm on the verge of climaxing any moment. Ever since our contact at the bar, my body has been craving you. My arousal is at a tipping point where the barest touch could trigger it. There, satisfied?"
    “Very,” she says and her grin is almost audible. “You’re so innocent and sweet. I love that about you.”
    Love? I gulp.
    “Just please, no more touching. Until we get out of here.”
    “Fine. But if we make it out of here alive. You’re mine.”
    Those words ring in my ear, almost making me come. Numerous pictures flood my ...
    ... mind, each one consisting of her overpowering me; pounding me, drawing me in, yanking my hair. However, before I allow those thoughts to consume me and surrender to their fiery allure, an unexpected, pleasant visual emerges before my eyes.
    “The exit!” I yell with relief.
    I do a quick crab-like dash and pull myself out of the stuffy air duct onto the rocky rooftop. The invigorating city air, tainted by pollution, floods my lungs as I gasp for a much-needed lungful of air, unimpeded by the dusty gloom of the air duct. Promptly then, I extend my hand and lift Alicia out. We crash onto a bed of pebbles and pause momentarily. Although my heart is still pounding, I sense vitality returning to me.
    “We…we…did it!” I laugh “We actually did it!”
    “You did it,” she clarifies, running two fingers through my hair around my ear. “This is all because of you. I still can’t believe you came for me. You’re the most generous person I’ve ever known. The most selfless.”
    “Well,” I blush, rubbing the back of my neck bashfully. “Come on, the fire escape is this way. It’s all downhill from here.”
    Carrying my duffle bag, we tread upon the stones, making our way towards the metal pipe where my rope is still attached. However, just as I'm preparing to climb down, I notice three men in suits at the top of the stairs looking up at me. They point their fingers and shout something. Reacting instantly, I throw myself backward onto the rooftop.
    “What!?” Alicia says, arriving at my rear.
    My ...