1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... panicked heart beats heavily in my chest. I sigh “They’re waiting for us at the top of the stairs –our only way out.”
    Her head drops in frustration. “We can’t give up. We’ve come too far. Do you have…any other ideas?”
    I think for a moment and bypass a stupid joke about just living up on this rooftop forever.
    “Just…a. crazy one,” I say frowning. “You probably won’t like it.”
    “Well, it’s better than anything I have. I’ll follow your lead.”
    Without giving it much thought, I start to knot several ropes together from my duffel bag. She observes my actions with a puzzled look.
    “That’s a lot of rope,” she says to me, looking confused. “Wow, you sure were prepared to save me…”
    “I hope it’s enough…”
    Her eyes begin putting the pieces together. “You…” Her eyes widen. “You want us to slide down the entire building with the rope, don’t you?”
    “Might as well go out with a bang, right?”
    She gives me a look of terror, however, I persist in knotting every piece of rope I have. Judging from my preliminary computations, it appears that I might run out. But hopefully, my math is wrong.
    “What are you, a spy?!” she asks.
    “No. I’m a safety tool and supply consultant.”
    “Wow. Sexy,” she says with a hint of sarcasm.
    "Let's go," I guide her to a different part of the rooftop where another metal rod extends out from the concrete boundary. I fasten the rope firmly around it while Alicia observes my actions closely. I'm curious about her thoughts at this moment. ...
    ... Is she placing her trust in me? Or perhaps she thinks I've lost my sanity. I give the rope a few tugs to demonstrate to Alicia its solidity. However, she merely responds with an apprehensive laugh and a dismissive roll of her eyes, as if to sarcastically convey, "You really believe that makes me feel better?"
    Holding the hefty twisted bundle of rope, I position myself at the brink of the forty-story condominium, my gaze falling below. The wind is intense, causing me to waver as I struggle to stay balanced. I gulp nervously, with perspiration trickling into my eyes. I then launch the rope into the massive void beneath and observe as it unfurls.
    “Okay, ready?” I ask, strapping the harness from my belt to the rope.
    “Not really. But what the hell?”
    “You’re gonna want to hold on to me as tightly as you can.”
    “From the back or front?”
    “Face to face,” I say. “Wrap your legs around me.”
    She responds with a nod before tightly encircling herself around me, drawing me close to her with her legs. A blush colors our cheeks, our breasts pressing together, creating an outward prominence. I find myself in a dilemma of desire, unsure if it's the sensation of her significant cock pressed against mine, or the fullness of her boobs meeting mine that heightens my arousal more.
    “I hope you know what you’re doing,” she says with an obvious tone of concern.
    I nod nervously.
    “I somehow got myself up here. So, getting down’s gotta’ be easier, right?”
    She scoffs at me ...