1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... looking appalled at my reasoning.
    I wince as though I’m silently apologizing. “Here we go,” I say, and leap over the edge.
    Our descent is swift. The roar of the wind drowns out our screaming. I seize the harness and engage the trigger, successfully slowing our fearsome speed. Gradually, we rotate in descent, drinking in the captivating nocturnal sky and the subtle hint of a sunrise on the verge of showing itself. The horizon starts to radiate with an orange hue.
    “It’s actually quite pretty,” she says to me over top of the wind blowing in my ears.
    “More than I have ever realized. I never really appreciated it before,” I say, giving her a sincere smile.
    The rope's end becomes visible to me, suspended significantly off the ground. I decelerate our movement until we are perfectly still, poised just below the termination of the rope. My feet hang loose while hers remain securely clasped around me. I risk a look downwards, estimating the distance between us and the ground. Possibly twenty feet. A fall from this altitude would probably result in broken legs. “The hedges,” she says pointing below us.
    Long rows of bushy hedges sparkle in my eye about ten feet or so ahead of us.
    “Okay,” I say excitedly. “But we have to swing.”
    Our bodies are entirely entwined as we sway back and forth around nine or ten times. The aim is to gain enough momentum to propel us to the shrub-filled courtyard at the front of the condominium.
    “On the count of three…” And my hand ...
    ... reaches for my harness buckle, ready to detach it from our safety line. “One…” We rock back toward the building, generating a high arc.
    “Two…” We begin moving forward quickly.
    “Three.” I detach my harness from the rope, and we fly forward like we are launched from a canon. We grip each other tightly until a pile of soft bushes absorbs our fall. We land sunken deep inside a leafy embrace. My mouth gapes open, surprised we actually made it in one piece.
    “Are you okay?” I quickly ask, inspecting her body for any cuts or bruises.
    “Yeah, I think so. You?”
    “I don’t feel like my limbs are broken.”
    I step out first and grab her by the hand to help her out. We are completely filthy and have twigs and leaves in our hair. I notice a few of the security guards in the window giving us strange looks, as though we had just fallen from the sky.
    We both take a glance back upward at the top of the building, then at the rope, dangling high above us in the wind.
    I chuckle uncontrollably at our recent actions. Perhaps it's excitement fueling my laughter. I can't seem to hold it back. I erupt into laughter. She looks at me as if I've lost my mind. Then, it dawns on her too and she starts laughing. We find ourselves in a shared fit of laughter, drawing the attention of passersby on the street. It feels as if we're intoxicated. We continue to laugh uncontrollably, face to face, with my arms draped around her neck.
    I stare into her teary eyes and become completely lost.
    “Do ...