1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    As fast as we can, we bang and pound our way down the ventilation shaft. The noises made by my hands and knees are so loud that they drown out any sounds from outside I would otherwise be able to hear. We dent the flimsy metal as we crawl.
    Eventually, I slow down, listening for any noises around us. Surprisingly, I don’t hear anything from below, and I wonder if I should be relieved or more nervous. Alicia’s head arrives beside me, trying to listen as well. Her soft cheek grazes mine and my heart flutters. My eyes glance toward her bare, oiled shoulder, glistening from the light beaming in from a nearby grate. I gulp loudly and I think it actually echoed in here.
    She looks back at me and grins. Our noses touch, and then she dives into my lips. We kiss and kiss and I try to wrap my hands around her body, but the duct is just too damn small. Her hand gently touches my pussy under my skirt and I yelp, pulling away. My vagina is still so sensitive.
    “What are we doing!?” I whisper intensely. “We have to leave.”
    “I know,” she says. “I couldn’t help it. Your lips were calling to me.”
    I shake my head and continue crawling toward the exit. I can’t let her get near my pussy or I’ll come for sure.
    “You know, you really have the cutest butt I’ve ever seen,” she whispers not thirty seconds later, and I can hear her snicker afterward. “I have a pretty good view right now.”
    My face goes red and my head shrinks into my shoulders like a scared turtle. I’m so ...
    ... vulnerable like this. I should have opted for her to take the lead. But wouldn’t that have been just as bad? I’d be watching her sculpted ass jiggle right in front of my face.
    “It’s just so perky and your juicy thighs accent your ass perfectly.” Then she made a kissing sound as though talking about a delicious meal.
    “Now is not the time to be joking around, we have to get out of here, quick!” I whisper back in feigned anger. Deep down, I am overwhelmingly thrilled to hear her say that.
    I take the right at the junction and continue crawling. I veer right and maintain a slow pace. Suddenly, a sound echoes from beneath me. It appears that the 'suits' have infiltrated another tenant's apartment in their quest to find us. I think they’re knocking on every resident’s door. I come to a sudden halt, listening intently.
    But then I feel something smush in between my ass cheeks and pussy.
    Ah! I stopped too quickly!
    Her mouth is pressed against my outer lips, through the thin barrier of my skirt, her nose nudging into my ass. A silent gasp of frustration escapes me as I restrain my pending climax.
    My vagina is already extremely sensitive; prone to surrender to pleasure at the slightest provocation.
    To think, coming in a dirty place like this, in front of a goddess, just from her succulent mouth pressed up against my pussy. I’m so hopeless. It throbs like a powerful heartbeat and I’m scared to look back at her. I’m literally teetering on the edge of an orgasmic cliff ...