1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... hiding my feelings
    “But I will never leave your side. I feel like I’ve searched my entire life for you. I would never use you, or betray you. I will treat you like the Goddess you are.” I say, holding her hands tightly between my breasts.
    “And I will stay by your side, too.”
    As we start to kiss, a flame of love and passion ignites in my heart, instead of lust and sex.
    When we break apart, staring into each other’s eyes, for what feels like hours.
    “Well, what should we do today?” She asks, her head resting on her hand with a big smile.
    There are so many things I want to enjoy with her, it’s tough to decide. “Well, I want to get to know you,” I say sincerely, inching closer to her face. “We barely know each other. I don’t know your favourite food, your favourite song, your hobbies, your passion in life, but, it's weird. I feel like we’ve known each other for years but I don’t know the little things about you.”
    “Well,” she says, frowning, “What if you don’t like the things you find out?”
    I don’t hesitate to respond. “The more things I learn about you, the more I will love you,” I say with conviction.
    She smiles but drops her head in embarrassment. “Erika, I–”
    The door to my apartment is hit with several forceful blows, as if someone is attempting to alert us of a fire. Our hearts pound and we stare into each other's frightened eyes.
    “Are you expecting someone?” she says to me.
    With a slow, apprehensive nod, I propel ...
    ... myself into a sitting position. A few moments pass in silence as we anticipate another knock that never comes. Swiftly, I jump out of bed and slip into a shirt. Attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible, I tiptoe towards my condominium door, hunching over in a thief-like manner. The flickering light from the peephole indicates some activity outside my door. Silently, I straighten up until my eye is level with the peephole.
    In an instant, I find myself on my knees, panic-stricken at the sight of four men clad in suits congregated in the hallway. One face is familiar - the bald man I inadvertently landed on while saving Alicia.
    Meanwhile, Alicia tentatively exits the bedroom, keeping low on her hands and knees. She looks to me, silently mouthing 'Well?' in my direction. With a grimace, I respond by pointing over my shoulder and holding up four fingers. Her reaction is swift - eyes closed in frustration, her body slumping against the bedroom door frame. I glide over to her in silence, comforting her with a gentle touch on her cheek.
    “They found us,” she says solemnly.
    There has to be a way out of this. After how far we’ve come, it can’t end like this.
    My eyes dart around the room, spotting a few ropes and the harness I used last night, lying rather expectantly on the floor.
    I smirk and turn to Alicia.
    “Care to accompany me down the side of a forty-story building?”
    She scoffs at me, looking dumbfounded. But then smirks as well. “Would love to.”
    End of ...