1. My Night With A Goddess - My First Transsexual Experience

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Trans, Author: CassieX, Source: LushStories

    ... hint of a wince. “Sorry, I just couldn’t resist.”
    “You should never apologize for making me ejaculate,” she says, stretching her arms wildly and letting out a yawn. She notices my hand down fiddling with my lady parts. “No, no. That won’t do.” She shakes her head disapprovingly.
    Then I feel my body get pulled up towards her and she kisses me. She skillfully maneuvers me onto my back, a motion that I could not resist even if I wanted to. Her hair cascades down my torso towards my waist. The sensation of her tongue gently explores my pussy lips, then enters my vagina and I squeal. It’s so wet and textured, it feels so good inside. I can feel her tongue extend, then curl upward somehow, touching my g spot. My reflex is to yelp and pull her closer by clasping my legs around her neck. My back arches towards the ceiling in pleasure but she uses her hands to keep me grounded, pinning my thighs to the bed, leaving me unable to move.
    I love when she does that. I feel dominated by her. Owned by her.
    It doesn’t take me long to climax. Her tongue is so long, it slides in and out with such flexibility, fondling every sensitive spot I have.
    “I…I’m coming…”
    Her pace gets faster. Her lips are rubbing along my clitoris. She’s literally sucking the orgasm out of me.
    It’s coming.
    I clamp her face tightly against my pussy and I don’t have it in me to hold on any longer. I squirt into her mouth and I cry out in ecstasy. My hips quiver, heaving up and down.
    “Alicia! Oh ...
    ... God!”
    She doesn’t move. She doesn’t even flinch when I orgasm. She stays with me the entire time, slowing down her tonguing to a gentle pace, sliding it around inside so lovingly.
    I pant out of breath and sweat drips down my face. She slides back up the bed, kissing every inch of my stomach and neck along the way. She reaches my face and plants a juicy kiss on my lips. Our wet lips smack as we come apart.
    “You’re amazing,” she says, lying on her side with our faces now an inch apart.
    “Me?” I say, shocked. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
    “No, I mean it.” She blushes and her face turns into an expression of thoughtfulness.
    I don’t reply, I just wait for her to explain while squinting my eyes.
    “Throughout my life, no one has ever treated me the way you do,” she says, then closes one eye as though trying to search for the appropriate words. “Like equals? Like you’re not out there to use me. You know, nice at first, but then eventually showing their dark, true colours. Unless…this is all just an act you’ve put on.” She stares quizzically at me.
    I stare back, wondering how I should answer. I feel confident that we’re at a place where we can play around with each other. So I decide to say, “Ah, you caught me. My clever plan has been foiled.”
    She looks mad, then slaps me playfully on the arm. “I’m serious!”
    My eyebrows rise, and I put on an empathetic face. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I can’t imagine how hard you’ve had it. But…”
    No use ...