1. Camping Trip Day 02

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byMastersVoice10, Source: Literotica

    ... stranger.
    Eventually Master beckons me to come stand between him and Jane. I move as requested standing between the two of them with my pussy still very obviously split open by the ropes.
    Jane is getting into this D/S discussion and reaching up to touch my pussy lips she asks why there is a rope between my legs. Master instructs me to reply to this question.
    "It is there Mistress Jane to teach me a lesson that I should not be so forward when talking to my Master. Master has seen fit to kindly dress me." I blurt out. Jane smiles at this and gripping the front rope gives it a gentle tug causing me to make an involuntary moan.
    Laughing she turns to my Master," Wow you certainly seem to be teaching your sub a valuable lesson".
    My Master shrugs. "Occasionally Susan needs some correction which she is getting now. Arnt you Susan?"
    "Yes Master," is my only reply.
    The conversation then continues for a good hour with Jane asking more and more questions from both Masters. She is saying how glad she is that she stumbled upon us and where would they recommend she get further information on D/S?
    Then looking directly at me she asks Master "How long is she going to be trussed up like that?"
    "Well, she's going to stay like that till this evening," he says.
    Jane slowly stands up getting her rucksack. "Poor thing," she says looking at me standing there with my hands behind my back.
    "Well Jane, I tell you what. Since you have some sympathy for Susan, if she ...
    ... asks you nicely, I will allow you to remove the bindings," Master says.
    I look down at Master and then across at Jane. This is my chance to get out of these dam ropes and give my clit some peace. The constant rubbing every time I even move a little is driving me crazy.
    " Err, Jane, would you mind removing these ropes please," I ask her.
    Before I know what the hell has happened I receive a stinging blow across my buttocks from Master. "Not like that Susan. Ask her properly or we will be demonstrating how to spank a submissive."
    Shit. That hurt and Master clearly wants to demonstrate his dominance over me in front of Jane. I am going to have to seriously consider what I say here.
    "Mistress Jane. This submissive humbly requests that if you should wish, would you please undress this unruly submissive," I stammer out. I sure hope this is sufficient to placate my Master.
    I watch as Jane looks at my Master who nods his head. She moves to me and turns me to face her directly and with a smile on her face begins untying the bindings at each side of my waist. I am not sure but get the feeling she is enjoying tugging on the rope coming up from between my legs which is making me moan uncontrollably. Eventually, the two rope ends fall and she instructs me to turn around. I do so and feel her reach between my legs and feel the ropes being pulled away from my vulva and out from my bottom crack. The torture is over at last!
    Smacking my bottom playfully she hands the rope to ...