1. Camping Trip Day 02

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byMastersVoice10, Source: Literotica

    ... going to piss him off any more this morning." Thank you, Master. That is much more comfortable now." I overhear a small giggle being suppressed by Sally.
    For the rest of the morning, we both remain naked however I have to contend with my "clothes". Sally seems to take delight in teasing me, by pulling on the ropes whenever she gets a chance which of course forces the rope to bite into my lower regions rubbing more aggressively on my clit which must now be standing to attention. The Masters seem oblivious to my torment. We all go for a swim in the lake and both Masters fool with Sally and at one point I hear her ask for permission to cum. I am a little jealous as obviously with the rope being where it is, both my neither holes are blocked.
    We are all back at the campsite with Sally and myself preparing lunch when out of the blue a young lady with a backpack pops out from the only trail into our camp. She is looking hot and sweaty but manages to apologize for interrupting us. She explains she is a little lost.
    Master told her it was not a problem and that we were just about to have lunch and would she like to join us. She introduces herself as Jane before she slips off her large rucksack and plonks herself down on the ground. It is at this point she realizes that two of the people sitting there are completely naked.
    Master who has forgotten the fact that Sally and I are naked and from the expression on Jane's face suddenly realizes.
    "Oh sorry Jane. I neglected ...
    ... to introduce you to everybody. This is Master Tim and his submissive Sally. And this is my submissive Susan. If Sally and Susan being naked makes you uncomfortable then Sally can put some clothes on. Unfortunately, Susan is as dressed as she is allowed to be."
    Jane says that she would feel a little more comfortable if Sally could put on some clothes and why can't Susan put on clothes?
    Tim instructs Sally to go get dressed while my Master kindly explains why I am already 'dressed'.
    "Well Jane, we are both D/S couples and I am Susan's Dom. She wasn't happy this morning with being naked so I have dressed her.
    Jane looks up at me and laughs. "Oh, I get it now. Sorry. I have no problem with Susan's clothes in fact she looks kinda cute. I have always been interested in the D/S lifestyle though frankly would approach it as a Mistress rather than a submissive."
    "Oh really," Master says. "Well if you're that interested, feel free to ask any questions you may have while we eat lunch."
    Oh well, this is turning into a wonderful day. I am now the only person naked with an uncomfortable rope between my legs while they all get into a conversation about D/S and I have also noticed that Sally, now fully dressed is trying hard to keep a very low profile. To make matters worse, I seem to be the one doing most of the fetching and carrying so my poor clit is constantly being massaged by the ropes, not to mention the fact that I am effectively totally naked in the company of a ...