1. Camping Trip Day 02

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byMastersVoice10, Source: Literotica

    The Submission of Susan
    Camping trip day 2
    Continued from 'Camping Trip Day 1'
    I am up, dressed and out of our tent at about 8 am. The day is glorious and warm. The lake looks divine and I am almost tempted to just strip and go running in but think better of it. Master has already said we can't go anywhere unless we have company.
    I have just filled the coffee pot and wondering how to heat it when Sally emerges from her tent and smiling at me comes over and kisses me hard on the lips.
    "Morning Sis," she says.
    It takes me a little by surprise but I am starting to feel more affection for Sally so kiss her back. Whilst I have always loved my submission to my Master it is nice to share details with another submissive. Since our Masters have become close friends, we seem to be sharing more than just details.
    "Sally", I say, "I'm sorry my Master made me have sex with Master Tim."
    "Oh don't worry about it Sis," She says. "I knew that eventually the two of us would get shared between Masters and honestly, I can't wait to get boned by your Master. My only kinda worry is what they might have planned for us today!"
    This statement takes me a little by surprise but it is now being made obvious to me by my Master that as his property, I am owned by him and do what I am told. If Master wishes me to be shared then I trust him to ensure this is done safely. If truth be known I did sort of enjoy the sex I had with Tim and will probably enjoy it again. I trust Tim ...
    ... almost as much as I trust Master, so I suppose if I can enjoy sex with Tim then I don't see why my Master shouldn't enjoy sex with Sally.
    At this point, my Master emerges from our tent. "Morning Girls, so who needs the toilet?" he says.
    We both say we do but it is a bit of a surprise when he nods and tells us to follow him. We both fall into line following Master as he takes us both into the undergrowth.
    "OK girls, pee away"
    Wow, he wants us to pee in front of him and each other. "Here Master, in front of you?" I ask not believing he has just told us to pee in front of him.
    "Yep, right here. I don't want either of you out of my sight here in the woods. You never know what else might be out here. Anyway, Susan, you've done it before as a puppy!"
    I instantly feel myself turning a bright red. Sally now knows I have been a puppy girl and she is also about to see me pee!
    Realising it's a futile task arguing with Master I shuck down my shorts and panties, bop down and begin peeing still full of embarrassment. I hate to think what's gonna happen if I need number 2's. Sally looks at me and following my lead, drops her shorts and panties and is also bopping down and pee'ing. I notice that Master is also relieving himself. With all this pee in this neck of the woods, some poor critter is gonna get one hell of a shock when they waddle this way.
    We are quickly done, dressed, and following Master back to the campsite. Arriving back we see Tim up and stoking the fire ...