1. Camping Trip Day 02

    Date: 7/17/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byMastersVoice10, Source: Literotica

    ... my Master and then with a wave of her hand, she bids us farewell and disappears back up the trail she appeared from.
    Master looks up at me. "Still feel underdressed Susan?" he enquires.
    Standing beside him and in front of Tim and Sally I have no problem saying, "Oh no Master. I have no problem with being naked if that is what my Master wishes."
    Tim then instructs his submissive to also get naked and Sally moves quickly to obey not wishing to experience the same fate as her sister did. As evening is drawing in we are both then instructed to start preparing an evening meal while our Masters sit by the fire drinking beer. We are of course both conscious of what is on the agenda for this evening. A spanking followed by an arse fucking from Master. I am not looking forward to being spanked by Tim but am quite looking forward to seeing how different his cock feels to my Master when it is buried deep within my butt hole.
    It is not that long before the evening has drawn in, the meal is over and we are sitting on logs around a roaring fire. The weather is still very warm so both Sally and I are comfortable although I know that situation is about to change.
    Sure enough, I hear Master look at Tim and ask if it was about time their subs got their maintenance spanking. For those that don't know, my Master adamantly believes that regardless of any infractions, a submissive should be routinely spanked as it both keeps her grounded and reminds her of her position. Tim agrees ...
    ... and looking at me, pats his lap. I sigh, stand up and move across to him carefully draping myself across his lap. With Master sitting next to Tim I see Sally doing the same before I am treated to a view directly up and between her legs.
    Master then tells Tim that he hopes he doesn't mind but Susan is spanked plugged before he then tosses across both plug and lube that Tim catches. I can only give my Master a hard frown as I know what's coming. Sure enough, Tim tells me to spread and reaching behind me I grasp and spread open my cheeks knowing I am giving Tim a wonderful view of both my sphincter and pussy. I soon feel the coldness of the lube before Tim's finger circles my puckered hole and then starts to probe into me.
    "Boy Susan, I am sure going to enjoy getting my cock in this tight little hole," he says as he continues to massage lube into me. I am getting a lot more massaging than is needed to lube me up! That said I soon feel the coldness of the plug as it is introduced to my sphincter before being pushed into place. It slips in and past my widest dilation quickly, probably due to the overuse of the lube.
    "How hard do you want me to spank her Jon?" I hear Tim ask.
    "As hard as you want Tim," my Master kindly replies. "She's all yours for the rest of the night."
    Tim bends down and whispers in my ear, " I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy tonight Susan."
    I release my cheeks and wiggle and squirm in Tim's lap conscious of the fact that he is getting a ...