1. The Depths of Lust Ch. 03

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byTheRavenGaard, Source: Literotica

    ... squashed next attempt for sure.
    Robin wiggled their hands to the point where they could open their own shirt underneath me and the skin on skin was so good, the heat of them, the pulse of veins with excitement, they dragged my head down to find their chest and guided their nipples between my panting lips.
    In the afternoon light I could see Robin's surgery scars like thin slivers of silver tracing their flesh, marks of extreme courage to my mind. Their own hand drifted down to between their own legs looking for that molten core and I savaged their torso with kisses and nips, trying to reward this porcelain skinned god and show my true admiration for their faith in me. 'My god! So beautiful' I exclaimed quietly and traced their scars with my mouth and tongue.
    This was met with Robin wrapping a hand into my hair and dragging my mouth up for a kiss that drank me.
    With a pout Miko traded vibrator privileges with Jill who decided to take the teasing approach and pulled it and placed it on and off at random intervals, or I thought it was until I saw she had Miko wrapped around her and Miko playing with her pussy in time to what was happening to me.
    There was something delightful about seeing hands pulling up a skirt, flitting around in panties and a hand slid under a blouse making a mess of someone's ability to continue standing upright.
    Having Jill as a vision board in front of me brought me right up again, and soon I was huffing and puffing towards my next ...
    ... release.
    I was a ways out still when the nameless one called, 'How far off are you?' It was hard to tell, I was making noises in the back of my throat, the pistoning machine behind me was running soft and slow and Jill was being delicate with her approach to the apex of my twat.
    I had to take a guess, 'forty five may be?' I rasped out, shit, I needed some more water.
    Nameless sped the machine up very fast and ran it super shallow. Jill jammed the Hitachi on my clit and mashed it like she was trying to get it permanently attached. Robin latched onto my boobs with her mouth to nip, suck and lick and within twenty strokes I had lost the battle. I rattled and shook, I lifted my head straining my neck to try to hold back the feeling but to no avail.
    'Uh, uh, uh...ok fuuuuuuuck!' I strangle cried, the nails of my fingers digging into the fabric table top.
    Robin whispered in my ear 'just let it go darling.' Fucking sweet talker! No! But it was too late, the body agreed and my hips rose up and down, up and down enjoying the feelings rolling out from my center while the machine plowed me to glory.
    Jill didn't let up, the vibrator just tore a hole in the fabric of reality and let more cum through, I just rolled right on through three back to back.
    Reality swam back into view eventually and with it the realization that I was going to get a punishment now.
    Miko didn't even wait for the nameless one to decide what she wanted to do, she just grabbed the violet wand and ...