1. The Depths of Lust Ch. 03

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byTheRavenGaard, Source: Literotica

    ... presented it to her calling her 'Aunty'.
    Aunty eh? Not likely, still looked like a University home stay to me, but at least it gave me a mental moniker to hang that face on.
    Robin pushed themselves out from underneath me rather than share any of the current from the wand that might pass through me.
    Sure enough the violet wand scorched my buttock and back, my under arms, the sides of my breasts.
    I whined and jerked away again and again but I was strapped down enough it was to no avail.
    Eventually she wandered it down between my legs. 'If you take a shock right on your clit, I will tell you my name.'
    Was it worth it? I kinda hoped it might be worth it. 'Do it!' and I grit my teeth waiting for it.
    She peeled back my over excited lips to expose the hood of my clit, then she peeled back the hood too, oh fuck this was going to suck, all that moisture down there, it would probably numb me right out.
    'Last chance, right on the little clitty for my name? Or I stop right now and we try to stop you cumming again.' she said and I could hear a note of 'actually please don't do this one because I have a feeling it might draw this game to a close.' but no, she had promised a name for a zap, and I wanted it.
    'Zap me already you fucking pussy.' I ground out.
    It pissed her off and she retorted, 'No, 'your' fucking pussy, you slut.'
    In retrospect it was a great porno villain line but there was no time to consider it then right before that searing smash of ...
    ... electricity caught me in the cunt. Oh fuck! Stars, a whole Disneyland of pain. Then numbness as I feared, if I couldn't feel the machine then I would just be thrust and thrust and thrust into till I tore up, no I wouldn't I was full of lubricating goo.
    'My name is Abigail, but you can call me mistress.' I don't know why but the small win made it worth it. 'Thank you mistress,' I squealed as she pulled the hood back again and threatened my pleasure center again with the wand.
    But she didn't apply it there, just drifted up my stomach to one of my nipples. 'Here?' she asked, 'Or here?' Abigail dragged it up to earlobe. Fuck but in the short time I had been experiencing the wand I decided I really hated the idea of my face. 'Nipple please mistress.' and waited for her to be a bitch and do the exact opposite. But she wasn't wanting me to drop the head space so, she shocked my nipple which gave me the stomach scrunches for a second. Then my nipple was itchy and I couldn't scratch it.
    I tried rubbing the tip of my nip on the table felt. Hey they never said I couldn't ease my situation if I could reach it.
    They laughed, this little group of witches just laughed at my discomfort for a bit. Jacob stalked over from the bar counter to watch my break down a bit closer.
    He was still clothed but his cock dangled out of his trousers and there was a stain developing around the fly where my juices had squished all over him.
    Abigail threw the control to Miko and she just cranked it ...