1. The Depths of Lust Ch. 03

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byTheRavenGaard, Source: Literotica

    ... back, it was like I had shocked him with my appetite for his seed.
    I used one hand to scoop the last of his goop into my mouth and slurped it down, even as I heard what was later explained to be the word for she devil in my direction.
    I was still horny, Miko had left me a raging inferno and Tanaka had done nothing to correct that.
    Also I was beginning to wonder what the time was, they had started in on me at about 2pm, that was my best guess. There was a certain amount of haze when I was lost in orgasm land but most people when shoveling their cock in me or stuffing my fingers or tongue up them, only lasted about 3-5 minutes really.
    So, combine that with time just laying around waiting for them to get stuck in again, changes in position and so on, I wasn't sure that we had even been at this longer than an hour, maybe an hour and a half.
    At this rate those poor bastards at the bar would be cum, done and dusted before 4pm and that felt a little sad, they had lusted after me all this time and fucked me far too little.
    This is why you need to pace yourself when trying to degrade a person who wants you to destroy them, you have to hold off on your own ultimate gratification for as long as possible or all parties really will be disappointed. The magic of the fantasy will be stripped away because it was fulfilled too quickly.
    I don't know if Miranda could read my mind but she seemed to sense my body being on edge but my mind frolicking in the fields of ...
    ... mediocrity. I knew it was her without seeing her, she was the one who when handling me onto the pool table was fully dressed still. I went willingly and quietly to my new destination but I did chance a grope or a press or two on her.
    The felt of the table top was quite pleasant across my back, I wondered if the sweat would make it itchy or just weird later.
    I heard ripping of Velcro and found my body splayed on top of the pool table, legs and arms parted roughly, hands and feet pulled towards pockets in the corners. Yes!!! Fucking yes, Miranda was here to save the day.
    Show them how it's done lady! The Velcro was tight but only became too tight if I pulled in any direction, as long as I didn't flinch or cramp all would be well, but dear god it better not be well.
    Miranda added something new, something never done to me before, she added earplugs and then earmuffs over the top. My world went silent. Now my brain was not happy, I had coped just fine without sight but adding total hearing loss? But it was within the rules I had agreed to.
    Next came a ball gag. It had little holes in it which would allow me to breathe quite well, I have worn ball gags before for extended periods of time, it takes a moment to get used to the fact that you will drool everywhere and there is little you can do about it. So I was in a silent lightless place and now silenced for the most part too.
    I don't know whose hand had come down on my belly so hard but at least it had been ...