1. The Depths of Lust Ch. 03

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byTheRavenGaard, Source: Literotica

    --Just to recap my dear husband and I had lied about what we really needed to each other for far too damn long, it all came to a head when I decided to pick up my crazy sex life where I left off and fucked a tone of strangers on a boat,
    Hubby John found out and he was truly going to wreck me and leave me, but life, lust and love are more complicated than that.
    I had agreed to John's demands that I be savaged by quite a few people who had always wanted to take their turn on me, I was not supposed to be enjoying myself to please him further but he was right, I was fucking loving it.--
    The woman's voice spoke up again, 'Awe, you had enough Miko?' and there was a titter and a murmur affirmative, the soft maddening presence of Miko moved away.
    'Well Tanaka, I guess it's your turn.' and I could feel Miko was replaced between my legs by someone taller, willowy, skin taut over long lean muscles. Whoever this Tanaka was, he had to bend low to get his face down to my pussy, he latched his mouth onto my clit and sucked, almost too hard. I cried out at the shock of it, feeling my clitty desire to both grow and escape his now lashing tongue. His long thin fingers latched onto my nipples and twisted hard and out to the sides, I wasn't sure if he was trying to get me off or if it was a private sadist streak, it didn't matter as long as I lay there and took it.
    His mouth let go of my clit and I felt him stalk around the end of the bar to my head, he slid an erect and already ...
    ... dripping with precum cock into my mouth. I think I only had a chance to lick the head once as it cruised on past to park at the back of my throat. He was long and thin, I mean noticeably so, I could actually still find room to wind my tongue around the shaft and back and forwards giving him the best tongue bath I could manage.
    He just leaked and leaked precum into my mouth, standing with his hips stock still, almost like he must be gritting his teeth in an effort not to cum. Fuck him, I was going to rinse this kids balls down my gullet, I tilted my head back further and used the edge of the bar to pull myself up and slide the tip of his cock into my throat. He was thin enough that it didn't quite jam my airways. Constantly I worked the shaft with my tongue, sliding this way and that, flattening it out for the most contact, hardening the tip to pull back and trace the vein and glands. Pulling right back to suckle the tip and then pulling myself forwards to bury him right down my esophagus.
    His legs started trembling and he started making a whining sound, I could feel his whole torso shaking, his fingers that had been constantly making a sensory mess of my nipples, seemed to now flex and unflex of their own volition in the air.
    Eventually he grunted and gurgled finally almost strangling a scream in his completion, the stream of constant flow just increased to a deluge with the head buried in my throat, I gulped and gulped as his balls poured forth.
    Then he staggered ...