1. The Depths of Lust Ch. 03

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: BDSM Author: byTheRavenGaard, Source: Literotica

    ... been quiet enough because there wasn't another one.
    I felt teeth come down on one of my nipples and another set of teeth come down on the other, gentle at the beginning and fast moving to pain territory tug of war began and the object was not to make the other lose but for me to cry out too loud.
    I knew they were not allowed to permanently mark me and most likely not allowed to draw blood so I felt like I could hold my tongue for some time, especially after Miranda had been at me poolside on my ear.
    How, the fuck, did she know that was what I must have been thinking about? Because I am certain it was her cruel finger tips that sunk into both my ear tips and started to grind that burning sensation afresh.
    The tug of war was getting under my skin, the constant repositioning of teeth for a better grip and the holding of my boobs meant that I was able to translate the sensations eventually into pleasure. Someone at the other end between my legs must have spotted this situation because one of the pool cues was slowly eased up my dripping cunt and a vibrator applied to my clit. I groaned, I tried to keep it low but with the earmuffs on it was just so hard to gauge it.
    The nipple play kept on and the pool cue slid faster and faster, the digging into my ear tips was the only thing holding my orgasm at bay, one body site too many to find my way through to falling off the edge.
    Then Miranda must have decided I had been good and quiet enough, because she stopped ...
    ... messing with my ears and I rolled over the edge, I tried to grunt my way through it and just whisper, 'fucking yes, motherfuckers, yeeeees!!!' I wanted to thrash my torso around but doing so would have ripped my own nipples off.
    I must have gotten too loud because next thing I know there is no one touching me a split second before a shock wand went off on the underside of one of my breasts.
    I screamed, my nipples had blood rushing back to them making them sting like wasps had joined us, I was cumming from being fucked with a pool cue and being zapped with a violet wand.
    Of course for my transgression the violet wand hit another body site, underside my feet and my orgasm was over.
    Four more snaps of the wand on my skin for good measure and I learned it is possible to strangle screams of pain in your own throat.
    The ball gag was unstrapped, my earmuffs were lifted and my blind fold was taken off too. The lights above the pool table blazed into my retina's and I turned my head to give my eyes some relief. To my right between very shallowly open lids were what I could only assume was an Asian set of twins, Tanaka and Miko. and then there was Carol and Marlon.
    I turned my head to the other side and I could see a handsome young man with a soft face who was most likely Robin, Jill my housekeeper almost wrapped around her husband Diego, a woman I vaguely recognized who had used the strap on and Jacob my brother in law.
    Right between my legs at the base of the table ...