1. April-part 1

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Female exhibitionist, Group Sex Males / Female, Older Female / Males, Teen Male / Female Author: Big Red One, Source: sexstories.com

    ... us.
    “I really think its unfair that you boys are perving on my wifes bare genitals without her knowing so drop em”
    April gasped, all four boys looked on in confusion “I said drop your pants, c’mon lets see them, its only fair to show her yours since you’ve seen hers!”
    David was first to obey me then the others followed suit, “now, hands at your sides” I said with a growl
    Two full hard ons and two rapidly shrinking cocks greeted out gaze and April couldn’t suppress a small giggle. “well this is no good” I said and pushed April gently back on the couch pulling one of her legs towards me, all five gasped in surprise but April remained where she was and I felt a small shiver run through her, slowly she pushed the other leg apart and I pulled the hem upwards revealing her bare pussy to their view.
    Four pairs of eyes riveted on her pussy as the two flaccid cocks started to rise to the occasion.
    I could sense the tension in the air and the smell of Aprils arousal as I beckoned the boys closer, April was sounding short of breath as she lay there wantonly displayed before four erect throbbing young cocks her eyes watching and openly ogling them each in turn, focusing on each intimate detail, watching them drip in unabashed arousal.
    I turned to gaze into her lust filled eyes as her stare met mine in apprehension, I kissed her deeply and she pulled my head firmly to her as she panted and moaned.
    “You can get closer to see better” I said followed by some shuffling ...
    ... as the boys knelt closer vying for a better view
    “can they touch you?” I asked quietly
    You could have heard a pin drop onto carpet as the boys froze in anticipation. Long seconds ticked by before April looked up at me and croaked “I’m here for whatever they want if you're ok with that”
    “Go for it boys” I exclaimed and four hands Immediately converged on her dipping wet pussy.
    After a bit of confusion and me telling them to be gentle they each had a finger inside her smooth velvety sheath, I could see the intensity of her lust as their fingers slid effortlessly in and out of her, I licked my finger and slid it inside her at the top of her tunnel sliding along her G spot. Five fingers inside her was a tight fit but Alice was enjoying it immensely, her breathing was becoming rapid and coarse as she neared her peak so I removed my finger to take the pressure off and held her face as I kissed her again, her hands snaked behind my head to hold me close as she inched closer to her orgasm.
    She suddenly moved her head and gasped out loud as I heard a loud grunt from behind me, “Oh My God he’s in me” she croaked, as the unmistakable sound of a boys climax assailed my ears and her body was forcefully thrust backwards, Alice shuddered into her own explosive orgasm as I turned to see my own son David thrusting hard into my dear wife, the both of them in the throes of their simultaneous cumming together. Alice pulled my lips to hers as the shattering orgasm shook her to her ...