1. April-part 1

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Female exhibitionist, Group Sex Males / Female, Older Female / Males, Teen Male / Female Author: Big Red One, Source: sexstories.com

    ... we were watching the end of a movie David pulled April to the edge of her chair and spent several minutes and two orgasms enthusiastically licking every bit of her pussy and arse.
    I suddenly decided her arse was mine to be first in and stated “Anal is mine alone, you can lick it but my cock is the only one using that!”
    April and David both looked up sharply and nodded before David thrust his cock into the welcoming depths of her slippery sheath and was soon pumping her cunt full again. He gave her a quick clean up with his talented tongue, kissed her goodnight and headed off to bed.
    I slipped into place and while thrusting my cock into her well prepared pussy lamented the fact that I was not like my son and preferred an empty pussy to lick and that was not going to happen anytime soon the way my son was going.
    “This pussy belongs to my husband, he has the last word on when and where it can be used so I can either not let anyone have me for a day or two or just use my mouth, its totally his choice” she stated.
    I grinned, “OK, Mouth Monday it is then”
    “umm, when do you want to take my anal” she asked apprehensively, “I have never tried that before and don’t know what to do”
    “me either, maybe on my birthday!, its a couple of weeks away and we can find out what we need to do before then”
    Early the next ...
    ... morning David didn’t even both to put any clothes on before he was crawling into bed beside my Wife and teasing her awake with his fingers, “sorry but I have also decided that no one uses Aprils pussy on Mondays so that I can lick a nice fresh pussy without getting a mouthful” I said looking at a dejected David, “But you can use my mouth all you like” grinned April.
    David wasted no time in getting on top into a 69 position and was soon licking her pussy while pumping his cock down into her mouth … luckily his cock is not as long as mine so he could fuck her mouth with only the occasional gag disturbing the regular fap fap fap as his balls slapped against her chin. A couple of minutes later he groaned and grunted his way through a powerful orgasm pumping several large spurts of his semen into the deep recesses of her mouth triggering her orgasm a scant few second later on his probing tongue.
    As soon as David stood and went to get ready for school April attacked my erection and slurped her way to the base of my cock quite a few times without gagging and it wasn’t long before my cum joined my Sons in her belly. April was quite proud of the fact that she was getting used to the feeling of a cock in her throat and promised she would practice until she was perfect.
    I think I’m going to enjoy this new stage in our marriage! 